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Author Topic: Red Flag Laws  (Read 3764 times)

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Re: Red Flag Laws
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2020, 09:28:22 AM »
Yes, it is of grave concern. The enemies of the amendments to the U. S.Constitution, want to attack by legislating around, instead of fighting for a repeal. They know how to hide their amendments in bills that are so large that one small line is easily overlooked by the staffers who attempt to scan the bill and report as best they can to the Senator they serve. Maybe some hope of it being removed, or if not, neutered, by this method, as mentioned in the article.

"Gun owners should count themselves lucky that the final text of the 2021 NDAA will be determined through conference negotiations in the coming weeks with Senate Republicans and the White House."

Where is the NRA? I ask, where did Wayne LaPierre ever say "these attacks on me personally, as to my mis-management of the NRA, and my personal mis-use of funds, by the liberal press, and enemies of the the second amendment to the US Constitution, are pure B.S. and I challenge them to provide proof of their accusations". 

Silence. What happened to "stand your ground", when basically being called an out of control despot in the press?

Does his silence in demanding proof indicate guilt?, to some people it could. Many thousands of members have not renewed their NRA membership, based on things like the official NRA lack of effort fighting the bump stock bans, and in some cases, their disgust that stories about in-fighting in the top executive positions, looks like a organization that is back bitting and self serving, internally.

I know that in most cases Im preaching to the choir here, but anyway, thanks for bringing the red flag attack wording in the bill to our attention. It takes all of us to watch for attacks, I doubt that any one person can read and be informed about the miriad of the attacks we have, that we as law abiding citizens face every day from city, state and Federal sources.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 09:33:22 AM by DanSt »

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Re: Red Flag Laws
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2020, 09:17:20 AM »
How could this happen and where is the NRA?

Probably pushing this through themselves, if I had to guess.  Remember, Wayne actually BOASTED that they were the ones who created the NICS system.  The NRA doesn't support the second amendment anymore, they only exist to serve themselves and their interests.  Occasionally their interests coincide with supporting 2A causes, but not always.  I know some people will disagree with me, but I've pretty much given up on the NRA.

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Re: Red Flag Laws
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2020, 02:13:13 PM »
I see all three Nebraska representatives voted for this. My guess is their staffs missed it OR in Fortenberry’s case didn’t care.

Offline DanClrk51

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Re: Red Flag Laws
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2020, 08:41:28 PM »
I emailed Senators Deb Fischer and Ben Sasse. Feel free to use this as your template if you would also like to email them.

Dear Senator Fischer/Sasse,

It has come to my attention that a Red Flag Gun Confiscation provision was snuck into H.R. 6395 (NDAA). The US.House just passed H.R. 6395 the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on Tuesday July 21, 2020 by 295-125 with a veto-proof majority. There were 9 Republicans not voting, 108 voting “yea,” and 81 voting “nay.”

On page 343 of 1427 lay a section stating: “a military court protective order issued on an ex parte basis shall restrain a person from possessing, receiving, or otherwise accessing a firearm.”

Understood in context, Section 542 of the bill codified a new “red flag” gun confiscation order program enforceable against any person subject to the United States Code of Military Justice—meaning both active duty military and retirees, among others. Because these would be issued on an ex parte basis, the gun owner would get no notice, no attorney, and no ability to defend himself against the accusations—in short, no due process.

This is extremely alarming and its unacceptable! American's 2nd Amendment rights should not be infringed upon! Senator Fischer/Sasse please do everything in your power to have the Military Red Flag Gun Confiscation scheme removed during Conference Session. The final version of the NDAA should not have this provision in it once it reaches President Trump's desk!

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Re: Red Flag Laws
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2020, 03:34:55 PM »
There are basically 2 questions here; where is the NRA, and how did this make it through?

First the NRA isn’t what they were 10 even 2 years ago. They have laid off a lot of staff with COVID and are having financial issues with all the lawsuits. GOA made a late push on this in the house but it was too late, most Congressmen did not get notified.

Next I had a discussion with Congressman Bacon on this, he serves on the committee this came through. First remember this bill is several thousand pages long and this red flag language is stuck in the middle in just a few sentences. But he told me his staff did not see it in what they were having hearings on and it never came up in the hearings. So it appears to be something the Dem’s stuck in quietly at the end. Also even if he knew it was there he most likely would have voted for it, because of strategy. In the House the Dem’s control everything, so it would have passed anyway. The strategy has to be that the Senate version of the bill is different (hopefully removing this part) and then the bill goes to a conference committee. To be on the committee (it needs representation from both parties in both houses) the rep needed to have supported the bill and most of the time been from the committee involved (some leadership of both houses usually get included as well). So he is in position to make the conference committee where he can join with the Senate to get this provision removed.

So make certain our Senators here from us and it would not hurt to send a note of support to Congressman Bacon making certain you support his acting to remove this in conference committee if he can get on it.

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Re: Red Flag Laws
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2020, 03:59:53 PM »
So make certain our Senators here from us and it would not hurt to send a note of support to Congressman Bacon making certain you support his acting to remove this in conference committee if he can get on it.

I second Andy's input here. Absolutely good for Bacon to hear from us on this issue
Trish - NFOA Board President, Founder Incendio LLC

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