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Author Topic: Renewing Concealed Handgun Permit That Has Expired?  (Read 2462 times)

Offline DJPeter

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Renewing Concealed Handgun Permit That Has Expired?
« on: August 23, 2020, 07:28:45 PM »
Can anyone tell me what steps one has to take to renew a Concealed Handgun Permit?
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Offline LJUnaTIC

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Re: Renewing Concealed Handgun Permit That Has Expired?
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2020, 07:35:05 PM »
You must start over fresh with an accepted training course, then reapply just like you did the first time.
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Offline richard33

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Re: Renewing Concealed Handgun Permit That Has Expired?
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2020, 03:03:16 AM »
If your license has been expired for longer than six months it can't be renewed you have to apply for a new license

Offline Jito463

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Re: Renewing Concealed Handgun Permit That Has Expired?
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2020, 07:18:06 AM »
If your license has been expired for longer than six months it can't be renewed you have to apply for a new license
In Nebraska, if you go even one day beyond the expiration, then you have to go through the entire process again.  However, you can renew up to four months prior to expiration.