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Author Topic: NFOA Annual Meeting Schedule August 28 at Heartland Shooting Park  (Read 2275 times)

Offline Range Mom

  • NFOA Board of Directors
  • *****
  • Join Date: Aug 2014
  • Location: Papillion, NE
  • Posts: 2632
    • Incendio Firearms Training
The Nebraska Firearms Owners Association is excited about our upcoming Annual Meeting!  August 28th at Heartland Shooting Park beginning a 9 a.m. with a jam-packed day of learning and activities!


Featured Speakers include Attorney, Dick Clark, and Federal 2A Advocate and Nebraska Delegation Representative, Stephanie Schafer.  Our Tactical Medicine Class is presented by Ray Layne of Hawkeye Tactical Group, where you will learn essential skills to address major wounds and injuries.  Our Martial Art-based Self Defense Practical is presented by Jim Sutton, of Kung Fu Damsels, and will provide you techniques you can easily learn and remember to help protect yourself and your family. We are also very excited about our Cowboy Action Shoot Demonstration by Terry Fitzgerald and his band of cowboys and cowgirls!

Agenda -
Multiple Options to select from for each time slot
9 a.m. Check-in - please arrive early to facilitate the check-in process
9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
•   DC Project: Federal 2A Advocacy and Best Practices on a Shoestring Budget Option 1
•   First Session of Pistol Shooting Competition Option 2
10:30 - 12:00
1.   Tactical Medicine Workshop Option 1
2.   Legislative Update for the Upcoming Session Option 2
3.   Open Shooting Option 3
12:00 - 1:00 p.m Lunch
•   12:00-12:15 NFOA State of the Organization
•   12:15-1:00 Meet the Candidates Running for Office

1:00 - 3:00
•   Martial Arts Based Self Defense Practical
•   2nd Session of Pistol Shooting Competition
3:00 - 5:00
•   Cowboy Action Shooting Demonstration
•   3rd Session of Pistol Shooting Competition

We are also excited to give you personal and direct access to several candidates running for office and or their campaign staff.
Candidates and teams who have RSVP'd so far, in the order received:

Dr. Elina Newman running for Lincoln City Council
Michael Connely running for Governor
Breland Ridenour running for Governor
Scott Zimmerman running for Governor
Charles Herbster running for Governor
General Admission includes lunch with your donation

General Admission for children 18 & Under includes lunch with a smaller donation

NFOA Business Meeting only from 12:00 to 1:00 can be attended at no cost

Make it a weekend, and join us for the Friday Night Social at the Ramada in Grand Island!
Trish - NFOA Board President, Founder Incendio LLC

"The possession of arms by the people is the
ultimate warrant that government governs only
with the consent of the governed."