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Author Topic: Governor candidates and 2A  (Read 2104 times)

Offline Lmbass14

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Governor candidates and 2A
« on: January 01, 2022, 04:44:41 PM »
Some interesting stances.  A couple mentioned Constitutional Carry.  Not in any order, just the order that was on the web page.


Protecting The 2nd Amendment
As Americans, we possess a constitutional right to carry and protect ourselves, and that shall not be infringed upon. Responsible gun owners deserve the right to protect themselves and their family without government interference. I stand in support of constitutional carry provisions in Nebraska


Defending the Second Amendment
As an avid hunter and gun owner who believes that "shall not be infringed" means exactly what it says, Brett believes that citizens have a right to own firearms and defend themselves with them. As Governor of Nebraska, Brett will ensure the radical left comes nowhere near your constitutional right to keep and bear arms.


As Governor, I will always defend your right to keep and bear arms. I support the constitutional right of every law-abiding citizen to defend themselves, and their families. That right shall not be infringed upon, period. Gun control measures pushed by the left falsely assume criminals will obey gun laws. The radical left will never be satisfied with an assault weapons ban, they are already advocating gun confiscation. I oppose their gun-grabbing agenda, even when it is put forward by a different name, like “red-flag law.” We should never give anyone the right to suspend our Second Amendment rights.


The right to keep and bear arms was settled in 1791 with the adoption of the Second Amendment. I am a very strong advocate for, not only maintaining our constitutional right, but working to regain what has already been taken. I am a full believer that "an armed society, is a polite society."

As a proponent for Constitutional Carry, I believe permits are infringement on our rights. Nebraskans have a full right to protect themselves without having to wait for government "approval".

Theresa Thibodeau

Didn't say anything about 2A.


Carol Blood

No mention of 2A.

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Re: Governor candidates and 2A
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2022, 01:47:48 PM »
Hi all,
Just met with Theresa Thiboduex for an informal chat.  We've worked together in the past when she was a Senator.  We discussed our member's priorities for legislation from our member survey, the status of the 2A Sanctuary County movement, and what NFOA's priority bills were for the next session.  Friendly chat, she asked good questions and appeared pretty well informed.  Thanks for starting this thread.  We are hoping to schedule interviews with the candidates to address the questions our members submitted and prioritized.  Those should be happening late January through February.  Each candidate will get the same questions.  That should help with evaluating reponses.
Trish - NFOA Board President, Founder Incendio LLC

"The possession of arms by the people is the
ultimate warrant that government governs only
with the consent of the governed."

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Re: Governor candidates and 2A
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2022, 10:38:08 PM »
So far...I like Ridenour & Thibodeau for various reasons. 
I do recall chatting with Lindstrom multiple times at years past NFOA functions.
The 2nd Amendment is not open for debate!

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Offline eelstrebor1

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Re: Governor candidates and 2A
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2022, 06:27:50 PM »
I would like to know what they have actually done in support of the 2A.
"What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms." - Thomas Jefferson


Offline rimfirerick

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Re: Governor candidates and 2A
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2022, 07:43:00 AM »
GREAT question 
The Leftists deemed us "Criminals", considering the same was said of our "Founding Fathers" we are in good company.