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Author Topic: Thoughts on drive-by shootings with paintball guns?  (Read 5007 times)

Offline sozo

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Thoughts on drive-by shootings with paintball guns?
« on: May 06, 2022, 08:27:53 PM »
Hi, everyone. This is my first post.
I live in Columbus, NE. Last night at about 9:38PM (05/05/2022), I took my puppy outside to go potty. A person (or multiple persons) inside a SUV started shooting at me while my back was turned away from the street. I was about 60 feet away, and they missed all their shots. The only thing they hit was the side of my garage. I reported it to the Columbus PD, but I couldn't make out the vehicle or license plates since it was dark, and neither did my security camera. I have a wife and two kids, ages 8 and 4. I don't know if it was a targeted attack, or if it was just random, but since I don't have a CCW permit, I'm open carrying my sidearm. I also warned my neighbors of what happened, since there are lots of other young children on our street, and I have an elderly neighbor that's widowed (she gardens a lot outside her front yard). I plan on firing back if they start shooting again, because then it is targeted. I don't care about the consequences, since protecting my family is my #1 priority, but just wondering what everyone would do in my situation. I understand paintball guns aren't lethal, but getting shot in the eye is, and for young children and elderly folk, it could be life threatening.

Offline Opusnbill7

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Re: Thoughts on drive-by shootings with paintball guns?
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2022, 09:04:46 PM »
You shoot back with a firearm at someone that shoots at you with a paintball gun, you're probably looking at an arrest and trial.  But, I can certainly understand being pissed off and that they can certainly cause a lot of harm.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2022, 12:35:31 PM by Opusnbill7 »

Offline sidearm1

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Re: Thoughts on drive-by shootings with paintball guns?
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2022, 07:05:15 AM »
I understand your concern, but please talk to legal counsel first.  While there are documented cases of paint ball guns causing "great bodily harm"  it is rare.   You say you don't care about the consequences, how do you protect your family when you are in prison for murder or even attempted murder.   You already made the case for premeditation by stating your intent on this forum.  You need to increase your awareness, watch what is going on around you, don't let cars or people sneak up on you.  Take pictures of things you are not sure of.   

Offline ILoveCats

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Re: Thoughts on drive-by shootings with paintball guns?
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2022, 07:58:30 AM »
Hi, everyone. This is my first post.
I live in Columbus, NE. Last night at about 9:38PM (05/05/2022), I took my puppy outside to go potty. A person (or multiple persons) inside a SUV started shooting at me while my back was turned away from the street. I was about 60 feet away, and they missed all their shots. The only thing they hit was the side of my garage. I reported it to the Columbus PD, but I couldn't make out the vehicle or license plates since it was dark, and neither did my security camera. I have a wife and two kids, ages 8 and 4. I don't know if it was a targeted attack, or if it was just random, but since I don't have a CCW permit, I'm open carrying my sidearm. I also warned my neighbors of what happened, since there are lots of other young children on our street, and I have an elderly neighbor that's widowed (she gardens a lot outside her front yard). I plan on firing back if they start shooting again, because then it is targeted. I don't care about the consequences, since protecting my family is my #1 priority, but just wondering what everyone would do in my situation. I understand paintball guns aren't lethal, but getting shot in the eye is, and for young children and elderly folk, it could be life threatening.

Wrong. It's not a deadly weapon.

Now, I can see a situation where someone could be shot at from a moving car by a paint gun and mistakenly think it was a real gun being brandished.  If I were on the jury of such a person who honestly made a mistake, I'd be inclined to acquit.

However that's no longer the case.  Certainly not now.  You know exactly what the kids are "targeting" you with.  Now you're never going to explain to the police and prosecuting attorney that you thought the paintball gun was a real gun when you spelled out your intent on a public forum in front of all of Nebraska.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2022, 08:53:42 AM by ILoveCats »
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Re: Thoughts on drive-by shootings with paintball guns?
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2022, 07:02:07 AM »

It's always a very good practice to have only the most moderated utterances on file in public forums, where they are of somewhat permanent record and can be readily accessed by others.

Especially any utterances about firearms.

Some of the things folks write down for record are kinda mind-bending.   And moreso.

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Offline HuskerXDM

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Re: Thoughts on drive-by shootings with paintball guns?
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2022, 10:28:33 PM »
It's unlikely you'll want to use lethal force to meet non-lethal force used against you.  It's easy to say 'consequences be damned' when you aren't selling your house to pay for legal bills.  I understand your frustration, but unless it keeps happening, it was probably just some dumbass kids messing around.  Sounds to me like you need a paintball gun too... just kidding... maybe...
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Offline youneedawarrant

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Re: Thoughts on drive-by shootings with paintball guns?
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2023, 11:51:47 AM »
Hi, everyone. This is my first post.
I live in Columbus, NE. Last night at about 9:38PM (05/05/2022), I took my puppy outside to go potty. A person (or multiple persons) inside a SUV started shooting at me while my back was turned away from the street. I was about 60 feet away, and they missed all their shots. The only thing they hit was the side of my garage. I reported it to the Columbus PD, but I couldn't make out the vehicle or license plates since it was dark, and neither did my security camera. I have a wife and two kids, ages 8 and 4. I don't know if it was a targeted attack, or if it was just random, but since I don't have a CCW permit, I'm open carrying my sidearm. I also warned my neighbors of what happened, since there are lots of other young children on our street, and I have an elderly neighbor that's widowed (she gardens a lot outside her front yard). I plan on firing back if they start shooting again, because then it is targeted. I don't care about the consequences, since protecting my family is my #1 priority, but just wondering what everyone would do in my situation. I understand paintball guns aren't lethal, but getting shot in the eye is, and for young children and elderly folk, it could be life threatening.

I am not your attorney, but if I were I would tell you this: If you take the actions you described in the scenario above, you will only have yourself to blame when you go to prison.