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Author Topic: ?'s about State Wildlife Management Area/State Rec Areas and shooting?  (Read 3874 times)

Offline KGillen

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A couple of friends and I used to go shooting at Branched Oak State Rec Area, there was a small parking lot north of the road that runs along the north side of the lake, it was never posted that shooting was not allowed, and there was a small berm built by some people. It was a great place to spend an afternoon and no one including the Sheriff every said anything to anyone about it (I only mention this because on several occasions over the last few summers a Sheriff has driven by and never stopped). Long story short, one of my friends and I were driving out there to shoot recently and the folks at the park have set up two posts on either side of the entrance with some steel cable running between them yellow streamers and signs posted saying "Target Shooting Not Allowed". Needless to say I was a little bummed. My boss let me know that he frequently shoots out at Oak Glen State Wildlife Management Area in Seward County just west of Branched Oak, I drove out there and saw many signs posted about hunting being allowed. Ok, so I have been out there the last two days, I found a safe spot shooting, down into a small open vally, clear lines of sight etc. My questions are as follows: 1) Is shooting technically legal in State Rec Areas? If yes, 2) Why would they change their policy in this area? and 3) Is shooting in State Wildlife Management Areas without the sole purpose of hunting allowed? Any help clearing this up would be quite helpful and appreciated.
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Offline AJ_Engineer

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WMA information.


I would give them a call if you are not sure.

Offline Dan W

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The Branched Oak area was closed due to excessive littering and destruction of the property there
Dan W    NFOA Co Founder
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Offline KGillen

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The Branched Oak area was closed due to excessive littering and destruction of the property there

That is really unfortunate. And thanks AJ, no signs where I'm at, but I will certainly call them to be sure.
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Offline NE Bull

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When I was living in Bee, I called NGP and after quite a few transfers, I was told that if an area was open for hunting, and no other signs/restrictions were posted, a person could target practice there. I think as long as it isn't a daily occurance and we 'pack out what we pack in' we'll be alright.

 I personally use an area just south of Banched Oak against a small ciff. And same thing, many a officer have driven by and never bothered us.

A off road group I use to roll with in Kansas, worked closley with the Corps of Engineers to upgrade the ORV park. In turn the group has clean-up days.  Is this something the NFOA would want to participate in. If we could work with NGP and 'Sponsor' shoot areas at a few of the larger parks across the state. Build some back stops, and police the areas for trash. I, for one would volunteer for the Lincoln area.  Would be a good way to get our name and cause more into the public eye.
If this is something we want to pursue, let me know and I'll start making some phone calls.
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Offline maanbr

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Excellent idea NEBull.

Offline Bigtony

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A off road group I use to roll with in Kansas, worked closley with the Corps of Engineers to upgrade the ORV park. In turn the group has clean-up days.  Is this something the NFOA would want to participate in. If we could work with NGP and 'Sponsor' shoot areas at a few of the larger parks across the state. Build some back stops, and police the areas for trash. I, for one would volunteer for the Lincoln area.  Would be a good way to get our name and cause more into the public eye.
If this is something we want to pursue, let me know and I'll start making some phone calls.

Did anything ever happen with this idea?  My local area SE of Lincoln just got hit with the "No Target Practice" sign.  People had no respect for the place.  Shooting all the fence posts down to nothing, trash everywhere, and cutting down the fence.   We would try to pick up some of the trash when we could but just couldn't keep up.  Real bummer my son and I used to go and just take out a BB gun and shoot cans all day.  Now we'll have to find somewhere else.