If it's not the role of the government to enforce responsibilities (by making laws) whose role is it?
There are plenty of laws related to each of the first eight amendments to the constitution, including the second. Certainly, I disagree with some of those laws, but by-and-large those laws are intended for the well-being of the people.
We do have to "ask permission" to exercise rights - in a way - because each of our individual rights have the potential to infringe upon the rights of another individual. My absolute right to free speech may well infringe upon the right of other individuals to be safe, for instance. It is not in the best interest of the public at large, and therefore illegal, for me to yell "fire" in a crowded building. By so doing, I am putting the lives of people in jeopardy.
Likewise, by allowing those who are un-trained or unsafe to carry loaded guns, we are putting the lives of others at risk. Thank God we have yet to have an incident due to lack of training or ability (that I'm aware of) that has resulted in death. We have had incidents, however, that have clearly put people at risk and have given those of us who constantly train and practice a bad name. Just a couple weeks ago, there was a guy in Oregon with a CCW permit firing shots at a car that was driving away. The thieves had stolen a couple iPhones from an AT&T store. In the background was a commuter train full of people. That guy just gave up his 2nd Amendment right, IMO, because he couldn't handle the responsibility that came with it.