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Author Topic: Nebraska Concealed Carry Permit Applicants using the Grand Island NSP  (Read 1870 times)

Offline RickDisney

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Call WAY ahead of time and get an appointment, they only do fingerprinting on Wednesdays and
may or may not have even have someone available to fingerprint on a given Wednesday. They
have a VERY small window of opportunity to submit your CHP to them so AGAIN..Call Ahead !!

Their sign on the door states " Fingerprinting on Wednesdays by appointment only and if you
are over 5 minutes late you may have to reschedule because of their busy schedule"

Offline DanClrk51

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Another reason why Nebraska needs Alaska/Vermont/Arizona style "constitutional concealed carry" aka "no permit required to carry". Here we can see a prime example of government's bureaucracy and red tape getting in the way of exercising a constitutional right. Some people no doubt will not be able to go there on a wednesday because of their work. Hence they may never see a CHP.

Offline Ghost

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I had occasion to need a set of fingerprints for my job when I was living in G.I. 10 years ago.  The NSP Troop C office had similar policies back then.  When I called them they were pretty clear about their fingerprinting policy.  At that time they told me they were using retired Troopers to do the fingerprinting.  It sounds like their current policy may be similar to what it was 10 years ago. 

I agree with RickDisney, call ahead, make an appointment, and KEEP the appointment.  Back then, they were pretty cordial about the whole deal, but they didn't waste much time in getting my fingerprints done, or stand around to chat afterward.  There were only a couple of other NSP employees in the office on the day of my appointment.  I showed up on time, and was in and out pretty quickly.  That situation may have changed some since CHP's came in however.   :-\  :-\
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Offline RickDisney

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I showed up on time, and was in and out pretty quickly.  That situation may have changed some since CHP's came in however.

A three hour round trip drive for about 10 minutes of picture taking and fingerprinting. Although the two who were there were not retired
NSP , there was no general conversation, almost felt like I was a bother..it was " stand there" .. "your papers and fee" and finally "have a nice day".

In and out quick and NO they were not busy

Offline DaveB

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Wife and I had no problem in GI, the only thing was the 8 week wait for the permits to come.

Offline 20nickels

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Re: Nebraska Concealed Carry Permit Applicants using the Grand Island NSP
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2010, 11:00:28 AM »
I showed up on time, and was in and out pretty quickly.  That situation may have changed some since CHP's came in however.

A three hour round trip drive for about 10 minutes of picture taking and fingerprinting. Although the two who were there were not retired
NSP , there was no general conversation, almost felt like I was a bother..it was " stand there" .. "your papers and fee" and finally "have a nice day".

In and out quick and NO they were not busy

My wife and I got ours in late 2008 and they were busy for obvious reasons.  The office ladies are doing the finger/hand/palm/thumb printing now and tagging and releasing you into the wild.  The hours are restrictive, but they are respectfull of your time.  Have all the necessary paperwork and I.D. when you arrive.
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Offline ghknives

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Re: Nebraska Concealed Carry Permit Applicants using the Grand Island NSP
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2010, 10:18:36 AM »
Sounds like we're lucky out on the western side. The office in Scottsbluff although requiring an appointment, goes out of its way to be there for us and are great to get along with. The girl who does the printing is known to stay late, come in early and miss or delay her lunch hours to print an applicant. I think she would even come in on her days off if they would let her. The only negative I  heard about was due to bad attitude on the part of the applicant
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