What... how... should... hm. What to do concerning concealed carry when you're with your young children ?
I recently got my permit in the mail this week. It's been... interesting. Amazing how much more you pay attention to everything knowing how much more dangerous everything is wherever you walk, simply knowing that there's at least one live weapon in every situation. I used to pay attention to everything before, but it feels quite different now.
I thought I was doing good at preparing myself for many situations and realities of carrying... but... apparently something escaped me.
Anyway, one of the primary reasons for getting a permit was to be able to protect my 7 year old son if the need arose. There have been a few times throughout this past spring and summer where I was very uncomfortable in a few situations. While we did skeedaddle, and will continue to skeedaddle... I didn't like feeling helpless if things went sideways before we could get away.
I only have my son on weekends, typically every other weekend. Sometimes more frequently but, sadly, usually less frequently.... I tend to work a lot
He's almost 8, and I have the great fortune of still being one of his favorite play toys (maybe even more so than his video game systems!). We go to parks often, play inside the house (games, with cars, balls, whatever), etc. At home, I obviously have all of the weapons doubly-locked up to make sure he can't get into them, and instead keep a golf club near my bed.
But... if we go out and about... I'd have the weapon on me.
I've been teaching him gun safety and how they work and how dangerous they are every month for the last year, and he's been a great student. Education / instruction being one of the greatest tools for safety and all of that.
I suppose the questions I need to ask are:
* he needs to know I have it on me, right ?
* are kids likely to spurt out that "my dad over there has a gun" ? even if he's been repeatedly told to NEVER say that ?
* how do i stop him from talking about it, if he does need to know i have it on me ?
Not telling him seems dangerous in that he might do something silly (kids will be kids), or may not understand if i start barking orders what's going on. But -- having him talk about the fact that I have a weapon on me seems like it'd cause a nightmare. i would think it might possibly be something for a kid to gloat about or something.
* what ... 'oh ****' instructions should i focus on drilling into his head ?
** lie down / get on the ground ?
** go to ... XXX ? (door ? car ?)
** others ?
** should there be a "we are now in danger time" phrase ? suggestions ?
** i realize that in 'oh ****', he will most likely freeze, but i'd like to prepare him anyway
* any other major topics i've missed ?
.... or.... do i simply not carry around him ?
PS: saw word substitution in preview, 'oh guano' ROFL