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Author Topic: Winterseed Appleseed in Lincoln on Jan 15/16, 2011  (Read 739 times)

Offline Wesley D

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Winterseed Appleseed in Lincoln on Jan 15/16, 2011
« on: January 02, 2011, 10:42:03 PM »

Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but our firing line is so delightful! 

When the temperature begins to drop, many shooting organizations retreat to the warmth of clubhouses. "Get that wood stove going," they say, "and let's thumb through some catalogs until the snow melts." Not at Appleseed, no sir! When the mercury in Nebraska starts dropping, we're looking forward to hot brass and cold weather! 

On January 15th and 16th, we're weeding out the Sunshine Patriots and we'll be at the Lincoln Izaak Walton League Range holding a Winterseed: Details Here and Registration Here.  Will you be there with us?

Registration for both Saturday and Sunday for guys is only $70 - however, it is $10 for women, $5 for under 21s, and free for active military and active LEOs. (Some will notice a change that registration is no longer free for women and under 21s as it was last year.  This new policy was instituted because nationwide there were numerous no-shows, which wasted spots on the firing line that prevented latecomers, who would have showed, from signing up.  These nominal fees are an attempt to provide shooters with a vested interest to help them in following through with their commitment.)
Don't know what Appleseed is?  Well... Appleseed is a project initiated by the Revolutionary War Veterans Association, a 501.c3 nonprofit, that describes the program this way:

"Appleseed is a program that instructs Americans on the traditional rifle marksmanship skills that have been passed down from generation to generation, along with reconnecting today's Americans with the people and events of the Founding era. Participants are taught fundamental rifle marksmanship skills that are required to allow a Rifleman to be accurate out to 500 yards, with iron sights, standard rifle and surplus ammo. This is the traditional 'Rifleman's Quarter mile', which is an uniquely American Rifleman skill, that has been part of this nation from the very first days."

It's really an outstanding weekend where you'll get great marksmanship instruction and you'll hear the stories of the events that ignited the fire of revolution on April 19, 1775.  There were quite a few NFOA members at the Appleseeds last year.  You may recognize some of them with their Rifleman patches in the After Action Reports from last year's April shoot out at Broken Bow, NE, the June shoot out at Lincoln, the July shoot out at Hastings, and the August shoot out at Grand Island.

Want to learn more about Appleseed or what you need to bring? After you've looked at those two pages, get registered online for a shoot. Heck get a buddy to register with you.  And bring your wife and kids, too!
Don't have a rifle yet? (unlikely considering present company here, but just in case...) On a tight budget? Take a look at a discussion on affordable Ruger 10/22 Liberty Training Rifles or Marlin 795 Liberty Training Rifles. (you will have to register for the RWVA forum to see those two threads; but if you choose not to do that, there's a limited discussion on this blog).

Hope to see you in a few weeks! >:D

"I will accept the rules that you feel necessary to your freedom. I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do." -Robert Heinlein