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Author Topic: Senator Pauls response to Conceal carry by teachers  (Read 767 times)

Offline huskergun

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Senator Pauls response to Conceal carry by teachers
« on: January 12, 2011, 05:21:44 PM »
I made a suggestion to my Senator Rich Pauls (Millard) regarding allowing teachers and staff to be able to carry concealed in schools for protection... Here is his response.

 "Rich, Why don't you talk to the Superintendent of Millard Schools to see what he thinks of your proposal. I would not introduce it without the support of the Millard Schools."

Is it just me or does Mr. Pauls seem to think that he works for Millard Public Schools and not WE THE PEOPLE. . I think this is a state issue and not just a one district issue.....I reminded him that he works for all the people in the Millard area not just the schools. This is par for the course though with this so called Republican. He has no balls. Millard needs someone new.
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Re: Senator Pauls response to Conceal carry by teachers
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2011, 05:27:55 PM »
It seems to be "What Will Cover Your A$$ First" before your position to be construded as compomised Damn, fulfilling the requirement of your position before will I get elected the next term!

Offline SBarry

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Re: Senator Pauls response to Conceal carry by teachers
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2011, 05:49:23 PM »
Why doesn't he talk to Millard Schools? Go do his leg work for him Rich.

Why wasn't a conference with the boy's parents called before he was booted off school grounds? I've had to go to a meeting a few times for far less offenses than driving across a football field.
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Offline HuskerXDM

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Re: Senator Pauls response to Conceal carry by teachers
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2011, 07:43:39 PM »
"Why don't you have one of your go-fers give them a call and get a reaction if that's what you want."
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