......last nite at Tuesday Nite Muzzle Music Club.......
I went to TheBulletHole for IDPA and bought a box of 9's as usual (-still have not gotten around to developing a load yet!) and loaded up the mags for IDPA. Four targets in, the EMP locks up, almost in battery, and will not allow me to retract the slide........
.....turns out, upon further investigation, about 1/2 of the rounds in the box of Ultramax remanufactured ammo (commercial reloads usinf once fired brass, as I understand it) I had just purchased were bulged just in front of the case head, some worse than others....... I checked them by taking the gun apart and trying to drop each one into the chamber...... less than 1/2 would drop in, and 1/2 of those that would not would not come out if you attempted to push them in. I had a nother guy check them in the chamber of his crunchenticker (a SIG, IIRC) and he had no problems with any of them.
The chamber of the EMP started out squeaky clean, and was not all that dirty after the 7 rounds that went out prior to it locking up....... i guess it just has a tight chamber: I'll have to be extra-diligent when I start handloading for it.
TheBulletHole was more than generous- they replaced the Ultramax remanufactured stuff with NEW PMC and thanked me for pointing out the problem! Excellent CS!