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Author Topic: What do You Carry?  (Read 6735 times)

Offline y0diggity

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Re: What do You Carry?
« Reply #40 on: January 01, 2012, 09:55:43 AM »
Shawn -
Your videos are amazingly informative and disturbing at the same time. I think they also reinforce the point that A&H made above that being aware of your situation and surroundings will most likely be a better strategy than trying to defend yourself from any sort of close-range attack if at all possible. It doesn't look to me like any of the participants in the videos fare very well against their assailant.
Of course, in an ideal world, we'd never have to worry about an attacker getting close to us. However in the real world, it'sa  definite possibility and it's good to be prepared for what could very likely happen in that event. It's unfortunate that we even need a place to discuss the need to carry a firearm for personal protection. :(

Anyway. Done rambling now. Discussion in this thread has been awesome and to respond to my own original question, my Glock 21 has become much more comfortable now that I'm used to it. I have 2 holsters I use based on what I'm going to wear that day, etc. I've also had to start wearing suspenders now. :( Damn I feel old and pear-shaped.
That which does not kill us was not trained properly.