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Author Topic: Precision Response Training 2012 Courses  (Read 898 times)

Offline JTH

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Precision Response Training 2012 Courses
« on: January 15, 2012, 06:54:04 PM »
Precision Response Training Classes for 2012 have been scheduled...

...at least some of them.  :)

We have put a number of PRT classes on the schedule for 2012.  While we plan on adding more as the year goes on, here are at least some of the classes we will be offering this year.


  • Introduction to Handguns:  March 30-31, June 29-30
  • Fundamentals of Handgun Shooting: April 14, July 21
  • CCW-101 Lifestyle Class:  January 21 (we do still have some space left), Sept 08
  • Defensive Tactics 1: May 05, Aug 18
  • CQT 1 (winter version): Feb 18
  • CQT 1 (summer version): May 19

(The difference between the winter and summer versions of the CQT class is that in the winter version, the half-day outside working on the range on drills is eliminated.  We will be showing you the same drills in both classes, but in the summer version, you'll also be doing them in front of an instructor when you do them live for the first time.  The summer class is one half-day longer, and $40 more.  In both classes, you still get all the drills, partner work, timed work, and scenario training.)

We also have set up a section where you can buy gift certificates for other people for PRT classes.

If you have a specific interest in any particular class, and we don't have it offered at a time you can make, please send us an email, and we'll see if we can add a class to our schedule.

As classes get closer, we'll post notifications here, but we wanted to let you know what was available for registration now.

For information about the class topics, please go to:  http://precisionresponse.4t.com/Courses.html
Precision Response Training