If you are anything like me, you will end up with a Single stage for the more "precise" loads (anything that you really care about accuracy in). Then you will also get the L-N-L for the more "high volume" loads. I went all Hornady with my setup (except the MEC shotgun reloaders).
On the single stage it works really nicely to learn the steps. I hand clean each piece of brass (rifle, non high volume ones) size, trim them all, chamfer and deburr, clean the primer pocket (in and out) then run them back through to prime. Set up the electronic scale that auto dispenses, plug in my charge load, and I can seat the bullet in about the time the RCBS dispenser drops another charge (within .01 grains!) Keeps everything to the nats ass. No I don’t get AS anal as some of the benchrest shooters, but most of my accurate guns will shoot dimes at 100 yds or less… (not bad for a 270) I would never want to sit down and so any real volume of handgun or just fun rounds at a single stage!!!
Now on the L-N-L, every pull of the leaver, I get a bullet! I mostly do my handgun stuff on my LNL. I don’t worry about trimming (generally), and the drop charge with the pistol insert is pretty darn accurate. I make sure to drop 10 loads, and each load has to be “on” for the charge weight before I even start reloading. Pretty darn fast, and you can get a lot of rounds loaded in a fairly short amount of time. I have done 223, on it, but only my AR rounds that might get to MOA on a good day.
As for the shotgun stuff. Well I shoot A LOT of 12,20,and 28 so there was no way I was going to use a single stage, or even a hand indexing one. I currently run MEC 9000 G’s
I think you will really need to decide on what your budget is, how much shooting, and what type of shooting you want to do. I think that every press has it’s pros, and con’s. Overall I am pretty happy with my setups. Hornady made a change on the LNL about 2 years ago on how they kick out the bullet, and it is MUCH better. Mine will fling a round across the basement every now and again. Just like my MEC’s will sometimes not do something just so, and drop lead/powder all over. It’s not the end of the world just a mess.