This is the time to go to your favorite political party office and volunteer.
The republicans think of themselves as losers. They are, this cycle. McCain-Palin BOMBED. The other party won. The people who were all charged up on emotion are now somewhere crying in their "coffee?" "beer?" "other...?" You show up and ask, "Can I help," and you will be most welcome. Sweep the floor? Answer the phone?
I am not speaking of working for the party 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year. No. 40 hours a year is enough. 20 hours even. Answer the phone 5 times for 4 hours an afternoon...
And when the next candidate comes along, they always do, and the discussion turns to "gun control" how might you care to comment? You have earned the right to be listened to.
Now if you hate republicans, then the democrats will do. Their "hot shots" (who won) will be off celebrating or hung over or they are off to the capitol to take a job. Supporters of former governor Boogervich in IL will probably be in hiding...
And take "the kids" with you. They might make valuable friends when they want a job or, God forbid, they might decide to run for office! We could do worse. OR -???-