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Author Topic: What minimum level of training should a CHP holder strive for?  (Read 3273 times)

Offline JTH

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Re: What minimum level of training should a CHP holder strive for?
« Reply #20 on: February 07, 2012, 08:27:12 PM »
Really? That's all you have to say? I thought you might have a few more details.  ;D 

:P    Humph.

This just happens to be one of my "I'm never going to shut up" buttons---hey, people can have all the different skill levels they want---it's a free country (well, it is supposed to be) and people can choose how much or how little they want to train and practice.  But when they start using their (lack of) experience to somehow justify to other people that training/practice/testing isn't needed or useful, it just sets me off.

(My wife is shaking her head, knowing it'll be awhile before I stop ranting at home.)

I want everybody who is CCWing out there to be skilled.  Seriously skilled.  I want them to be able to protect themselves and their loved ones, so that anyone who threatens them gets dropped immediately in a perfectly legal justified shoot, with no harm allowed to any innocent.  I want bad guys in the state of Nebraska to start seriously thinking about moving to California because they think that putting a gun in someone's face on the street or in a store in Nebraska isn't worth what will happen to them as they are stopped by law-abiding citizens.  I want people to know their guns inside and out so that they never ND, never hit anything they don't intend to, and ALWAYS have the tools and skills necessary to take care of the ones they love.

And what happens?  Some guy will come along and say "Hey, I'm a great shot and I've never taken any training classes!  You don't need those!"


....and this is coming from a guy who doesn't have that many official training certificates.  I certainly wish I had made the decision to get serious training much earlier in my shooting career...I had to do lots of reading and research to learn what I needed, and just taking a class would have saved me a lot of time.

Note:  people haven't been saying that sort of thing in this thread ("I don't need training, I'm already a good shot!"), so the above rant isn't directed at anyone in particular.  But I'm pretty sure you've all had conversations with That Guy, who knows everything and is an amazing shot, who posts about "what he'd do if he needed to" because "he knows how it goes on the street."   (Note:  you never actually see That Guy at the range, so no one has ever actually seen him shoot.)

[sigh]  And I'm not allowed to call them idiots to their face.  (My wife says I have to be nice.)  I can, however, invite them to my next force-on-force class, where they can give us the benefit of their knowledge in basic level-one stress scenario.   >:D

No one needs to spend thousands on training classes to get better.  (Unless they want to---it is certainly true that if I won the lottery, I'd hit major classes all over the U.S.!)  One class (or two, perhaps) each year plus actual good personal practice really isn't that tough to manage.  After 3 years and three-to-six solid classes, plus personal dryfire weekly and CCW-based livefire at least monthly---you WILL be much more able to defend yourself and the people you care about.  Not too much to ask, considering the benefit, is it?

Okay, trying to shut up now.  :)
Precision Response Training

Offline dcjulie

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Re: What minimum level of training should a CHP holder strive for?
« Reply #21 on: February 07, 2012, 09:11:43 PM »

(My wife is shaking her head, knowing it'll be awhile before I stop ranting at home.)

Hehe ... I started reading this thread before I scrolled to this sentence, and I WAS SHAKING MY HEAD!   Good gods, it is going to be a LONG week around here.  Oh, and a longer weekend without a match!  HELP!!!