Yep, already have a name for it. At least I hope so, as the lower (the first item going into the trust) is already engraved and at the anodizer's. I loved the "In God We" Trust that I've read of elsewhere. Unfortunately, I'm not smart enough to come up with anything that good.
I realize that any lawyer can, but whether or not any lawyer should is debatable.
I casually asked one that came into my workplace a while back, and he asked what I wanted to do with the Trust. He looked down at his feet, thinking, then says "I suppose we could set one up for that."
Not confidence inspiring. I'd rather have one say "Sure, no problem."; ergo my original question.
Finally, with my luck, I'd end up picking the shyster that whined to the bar about the information Exeter used to provide.
So, still looking for recommendations if anyone has one.