First Multigun match of 2012! C'mon out, it'll be a good time.
We will be in bays 5, 6, 7, and the 100 yard range, so make sure you know how your rifle is going to do at ranges from 5 yards out to 100. (And for future reference, how your shotgun does with slugs out to 75-100 yards. You won't need to know that THIS time, but in the future....just sayin'....)
Stages for this match:
- Rifle/Shotgun
- Pistol/Rifle
- Pistol/Shotgun
- Pistol/Shotgun/Rifle
Setup starts at 7am, registration closes at 8:40, safety briefing (and new shooter briefing) is at 8:40 in bay 5, and the shooter's meeting starts at 9am.
Shooting starts right afterward!
Come out early to help set up, and take a look at what the stages are going to require of you. You'll want the extra time to walk the stages...