May be the moral of this story is - if you're going to defend yourself, you sure as hell better not do it against someone of a different, protected race.
Nick you hit the problem with this case on the head, because of the race issue it has become bigger that it should be.
A quote from a discussion group of firearms organization leaders that I belong to:
If, in fact it is determined that Zimmerman was not justified in the use of deadly force, Stand Your Ground will be the law that ultimately convicts him.
Zimmerman claims that Trayvon Martin attacked him. If not for Stand Your Ground, Martin would have been required to run from the man following him as his girlfriend advised him to do by phone.
Instead, Martin turned and confronted the man following him. This is corroborated by Martin's girlfriend. By all accounts, Zimmerman's and Trayvon Martin's girlfriend's, Martin appears to have rightfully Stood His Ground against a man he was reasonably in fear of.
Sean Caranna
Executive Director
Florida Carry, Inc.
There is a lot of information floating around out there that is false or out of context, and facts that are not known. Making a judgment either way would be out of place, but which ever way this goes Stand Your Ground will play a role.