If people are so worried that we might be attacked by terrorist, or maybe even our own countrymen, why are they buying up gold and silver?
?? If the S__t does hit the fan......who knows how much silver or gold it takes to buy a loaf of bread, or formula for a baby???
Will it hold value when there is nobody to buy it?
Real value will be found in guns, ammo, water, toilet paper, booze,
cigarrettes, baby formula, fuel, coffee, and possibly even food.
After WW!!, England are huge parts of Europe had to do without all sorts of basics. Many in the US sent care packages overseas, to help anyone in need. Coffee and sugar were two items that were so valued, that people paid rent and bought more important groceries with these commodities. Not much has changed since then.
I wonder how much a Twinkie will be worth?
How about a Coke?
Keep this in mind before you tie up all your money in metals.
Good Shootin!!