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Author Topic: Please visit and take action  (Read 1171 times)


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Please visit and take action
« on: February 24, 2009, 10:20:12 PM »
Our United States of America is under Assault as never before. We all know this, and many of us are doing as much as we can. We need HELP! If you don`t think this is the proper forum for this attempt at en-listment... you are wrong. In a few years... what WE, the LEGAL citizens of the USA want , as far as our Constitutional Rights and the enforcement of such will change beyond what we can muster to defend. I myself belong to so many organizations...sometimes it becomes a challenge, and yet, here is another. WE ALL want to have a LIFE! I served my Country for many years. During that time I took the oath of en-listment many times. I had a discussion about this with a younger guy I work with on occaision, and I pointed out to him, that he probably took an oath similar to mine though he has not served in the Military. I suggested he revisit the Pledge of Allegiance. What angers me the MOST! People that continue to call My Country a Democracy! Yes... it is MINE! And, it is YOURS! The word Democracy does not appear in the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, or any State Constitution! Though I have been a member for a short time...I ask that everyone that belongs to the NFOA... Please! Go to the sites posted.  www.alipac.us  www.numbersusa.com