Ok, I had to let this simmer a while before posting this story. Keep in mind, I respect our Law Enforcement and the job they have to do, but...
I was talking with a friend's wife the other day and of course guns came up.
If you recall a story I posted about a prank call to Lincoln PD/Lacaster Sheriff that caused a ruckus around town with SWAT frantically searching houses and Recuse searching for victims that didn't exist. Said friends are unfortunately involved in a indirect way with this thug. Long story/short; they're daughter has fell in with some of the scum of our fair city. One of the houses searched was theirs. They're son (Iraq Army Vet- thanx sir)(the other home belonged to the girl's estranged husband, also a Iraq War Vet, all of whom the thug has threatened. Yeah, he ain't real smart

) stopped by to check on the house as Ma and Pa were on vacation, when he was confronted by SWAT hiding in the trees and bushes and told to step away from house. (Lucky for him he had not stopped by home to grab the pistol his wife had just bought him, for a test run. ) He called Ma who thought he was kidding about it all when she found herself talking to the Sheriff.

The following paraphrased conversation is where I took concern in a different direction. :
Sheriff: Are there any weapons in the house? Any guns?
Ma: Well, yeah there are 2 long guns, rifle and shotgun locked in my office.
Sheriff: Are they registered?
Ma: Well, I don't know. The rifle (.22) my husband has had since he was a kid, and the shotgun we bought new for our son when he was in high school, and we fill out paperwork on it.
That's where I stopped her. WTH? "Are they registered?" Plese correct me if I am wrong, but Since when does Nebraska, Lancaster county have a gun registry? I had to tell her that if there was, I would know, cause Andy would be all over it like flies on kaka!
Tactic to catch her of guard? Reference to the NCIS check done at point of sell when no purchase permit available? Or another LE brass believing everygun should be registered? Maybe it's just me, but the question stuck me wrong. "Are they legally owned/posessed?" may have been a better response?