Heroic! Going to bed with the lesser of two evils ensures only one thing--that you will wake up with evil in the morning. Congratulations on having some principles that you aren't willing to violate.
Standing on principle is admirable and I don't fault either of you for your stance, but I don't agree with your method of implementing it, nor concede you have a corner on voting on 'principle'.
I don't particularly like several aspects of Mitt Romney's record, 2A rights first & foremost. I see him as an old-style Republican like Gerald Ford or the 1st George Bush. Not a liberal, but prone to making 'deals' that compromise on important issues. Having said all that I'm going to vote for him based purely on principle. The principle that the alternative (Prez Obongo) is pure evil. Romney is not great- but BHO is, in my opinion, the single greatest threat to America in a generation. I believe doing ANYTHING that helps him in ANYWAY is tantamount to treason. Based on that principle I am most firmly in the 'anyone but' camp.
Your vote, your choice. I am convinced that defeating the Manchurian Candidate in the Oval Office is the only principled choice.