Before you buy your holster, it might be useful to you to consider adding a Crimson Trace LG-437 front-activated laser to your Kahr pistol.
The Kahr PM9 and the CT laser make a very compact setup and work beautifully in combination. [Happens to be my own carry arrangement. Actually, I have two of them set up so.]
The laser can be bought at $140-160, depending on where you get it. eBay is a good source.
The PM9 w/laser would require a slightly different holster from the naked PM9.
As a suggestion, you may wish to be careful about putting your trigger finger too far into the Kahr trigger guard. That Little Bucking Bronco is pretty rough on that first trigger finger knuckle. After many bandaids, I've learned to shoot with the fingertip.
You've made an excellent choice of a tough, high quality, very concealable handgun. Congratulations.