Actually, upon further research, the pistol pictured in the original poster's messages is called the "MR9 Eagle." The "Baby Desert Eagle," now called the "Baby Desert Eagle II," is the all steel pistol that I posted an image of.
That's interesting...the MR9 must be a new name update or something to clear the confusion. At least, I'm assuming they are identical. The model I posted in the picture is a "Magnum Research Baby Desert Eagle Fast Action", it even says Baby Desert Eagle on the slide, unlike the MR9. It also has a trigger that is identical to the "Anti Stress" or AS trigger on a P99 which they call the "Fast Action" in the Baby DE.
This took a while for me to figure out, I have no idea why they decided to name it the same as a previous product that doesn't share a single feature. It made finding a holster for very difficult, which is why I made one.
Here's a picture of that same gun without the holster:

All the confusion set aside, that Fast Action trigger is really something. It's very light in single action mode, and the reset is incredibly short! Makes for very easy and accurate shooting. I'm almost positive I've shot 1911s with worse triggers...