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Author Topic: Where do they come up with this stuff???  (Read 967 times)

Offline cckyle

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Where do they come up with this stuff???
« on: December 17, 2012, 12:54:39 AM »
Handguns are now weapons of mass destruction, and they can shoot 5 rounds in a second???  How do they come up with this stuff?  People really buy into this?  I just don't get it. 

Offline wallace11bravo

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Re: Where do they come up with this stuff???
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2012, 01:19:45 AM »
Sometimes I really do wish I were ignorant and lazy. Life would be so much easier. But no, I have to care about things and be able to think.

Offline David Hineline

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Re: Where do they come up with this stuff???
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2012, 02:39:53 AM »
Machinegun owners blow thier load with one pull of the trigger

Offline David Hineline

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Re: Where do they come up with this stuff???
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2012, 10:09:13 AM »
A man with a revolver can shoot faster than that.

Machinegun owners blow thier load with one pull of the trigger

Offline GreyGeek

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Re: Where do they come up with this stuff???
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2012, 09:39:25 PM »
I have a G+ account.   Today, this posting appeared:
Cindy Brown - Google+ - "According to a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study,… »
"According to a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study, nonfatal gun injuries and gun-related deaths cost the United States $5.6 billion in medical…"

The article led to a story by "ThinkProgress", a Marxist web page.  They usually label their thinking as "progressive" and have been the major group attempting to destroy the 2A, and a leading advocate of "politically correct" speech, i.e., speech they approve of..

I examined the orginal Centers For Disease Control report and noticed a glaring distortion of fact:  the ThingProgress headline claimed that gun related injuries and death costs the  US $5.6 Billion.

My response was:

"Here is the article the ThinkProgress story  is based on:
The other tables show some interesting figures as well.   Table 1 is for ALL types of injuries.
"An estimated $5.6billion were spent on medical care for these violence related injuries, and $64.7 billion were lost in work and household productivity."

Violence was defined as "... including motor vehicle/other road user, fall,
struck by/against, ?rearm/gunshot, poison, cut/pierce, ?re/burn, drowning/submersion, and other."

Table 4 shows  that self-inflicted injuries using guns totaled $124 million.  The costs attributed to self-inflicted injuries using knives  or poison were about $1.03 billion.

For injuries that were not self-inflicted Table 2 shows that gun injuries cost  $822 million.  Violence involving knives, poisons, objects, and "other"  cost $3.35 billion.

So, out of the $5.6 billion the article states  is violence related $4.38  billion are not gun related, but the ThinkProgress article deliberately lied about it, claiming that all of the  $5.6 billion were caused by guns.   

It's one thing for American citizens to decide that they want to eradicate the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, and they certainly  have that right.   But, their decision  should not be based on  deliberate distortions or lies.   And, the 2nd Amendment was placed in the Bill of  Rights by the Framers of the Constitution for a specific reason.   The reason is still valid

Offline GreyGeek

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Re: Where do they come up with this stuff???
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2012, 10:46:58 PM »
One reason why gun control will  never be effective in this country  is  .... drugs.

Drugs are pouring across our southern border, through West coast  and East coast  ports,  and some are coming down via Canada, where  every road into  our out  of this country is not watched.    Not only are drugs brought into this country illegally, so are guns.   To make matters worse our own AFT ran the "fast and furious" gun running scheme, giving arms to drug cartels, which Holder claimed to know nothing about.    When a  fox  investigates deaths in the hen house one can rest assured that other foxes will not be found guilty.  Holder was ruled ignorant of the FF scheme.

Drug gang members do not care about gun laws.  They do not apply for permits to purchase them, they do not attend CCW classes,  nor do they fill out CHP forms and wait 45 days to get a CHP.   They not concerned about muzzle sweeps and  do not care who they point guns at or shoot, or who is standing behind their victims when they shoot.   They don't even care about the ages or genders of their targets.   If they get caught by the  police  they get a few years  prison sentences, if not just a hand slap, and they are  back out on the streets packing again, back in the drug trade.   Easy money, no work, lots of fun shooting people and demonstrating their "masculinity".

If the Federal government cannot win the war against drugs they cannot win their war for gun control.  Law abiding citizens are easy targets, despite the fact that guns are used defensively in America at least over 2 million  times a year defending lives  and property.  But taking all guns away from every law abiding citizen and shutting down all gun dealers and  sales will not stop the flow or use of guns in this country by drug gangs and crooks in general.   In fact, it will embolden them because they'll KNOW that their victims will be unarmed and they won't face the possibility that an ordinary citizen might respond with a weapon of their own. 

Even a person my age can defend  himself and others:

I had a .22 Ruger semi-auto setting on the top  shelf of my book case, unused,  since 1980.   I sold it a couple weeks ago.   NOT ONCE during the 32 years it sat there  did it ever jump off the shelf under its own  power, walk out into the street and shoot someone.  Blaming guns for crime is like blaming spoons For obesity. 

Anti-gun folks  like to point to  England and other places.    The government is so aggressive  in  England against home owners defending themselves from home  invasion, over 50% of which  occur while the owners are  home,  that they have arrested home owners who  defended themselves from  violent attacks using anything they could grab: golf clubs, fire irons,  sticks, pieces of wood, or their fists.   If the attacker is injured the police  have assisted the attacker in suing the home owner!   Needless to say, home invasions in England have increased  significantly.    I recently read where a woman was attacked and beaten in her own home and all  through the attack her only thought was that she hoped she wouldn't be accused of resisting and be sent to prison or lose her home.