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Author Topic: News from the Second Amendment March  (Read 1791 times)

Offline huskergun

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News from the Second Amendment March
« on: April 14, 2009, 06:54:15 AM »
What's New
 As Seen on T.V.
I admit it.  I am an infomercial junkie.  Oh, it's not that I actually purchase anything from them.  I just seem to be mesmerized by whatever gimicky new product has now made it to the airwaves.
Have you ever noticed how those infomercials use a sense of urgency to motivate you to some course of action?  "Don't be one of the millions that will miss out on this offer!", blares the television.  "Limited time offer!  Order NOW before they are gone!"  I'm sure there are more than a few people who take those words to heart and immediately pick up the phone to place their order (not to mention, they will obtain the bonus set of paring knives for being one of the first 50 callers).  Most of us, however, realize that this is a marketing ploy designed to get people to call NOW.
There are times that I feel a bit "infomercial-y" in promoting the Second Amendment March.  "We need to act NOW," I urge my friends and family.  Now, unfortunately, I think people may have been conditioned to ignore these pleas for urgent action, thanks to the age of the infomercial.  Indeed, I've received more than one email from naysayers, chiding us for thinking that the government would ever come for our guns.  My own in-laws don't want to join our mailing list because they "aren't into guns" and they "aren't into political causes".   What is sad about that is that the act of taking away our ability to defend our homes, families and freedom may not be as blatant as going door-to-door to confiscate the firearms.  True, we can't ever rule that scenario out, but I believe the encroachment on our freedom will be much more insidious than that.
Last month I had the opportunity to talk with a Canadian citizen on the issue of gun control.  I happened to be waiting to go backstage at a concert in Canada.  What better time to bring up the right to bear arms, right? ;)  This young woman (we'll call her Ashley) asked me my stance on gun control.  She told me that she agrees with some of the things the Canadian government does to "keep her safe", but disagrees with other things. 
When Ashley wants to take her firearm to the shooting range, she must first call her local police department and inform them of her name, address, which range she is going to, which firearm she is taking, and when she will be home.  The authorities will perform random checks to make sure that the citizen returns home in the allotted timeframe.  Once, her father almost didn't make it home within the time window, and the authorities had chosen to check on him that day.  I don't know what happens if one doesn't make it home in time, but I assume it's not pleasant.  Ashley believes that this is a necessary law to help "keep her safe".  I asked her how many criminals are likely to call to let the police know where they are going with their firearms.  I received no answer.  Has Ashley convinced herself that there are no illegal, unregistered firearms on the streets of Canada?  It appears, by the way, that there are many here in the states who believe that more restrictive laws will result in less crime.
Ashley also told me that if a family member alerts the authorities at any time that they have been threatened by another family member, the police can enter that home with NO QUESTIONS ASKED and sieze all of the firearms in that home.  Now, I'm not attorney, but here in the states that sure sounds like being proclaimed guilty before assuming innocence.  Heck, it's even anticipating the crime before it  happens!  Apparently it's a bureaucratic nightmare trying to get those siezed firearms back.  This law is one that Ashley disagrees with.  She knows of more than one divorce where some innocent person's firearms were siezed, based on one phone call from a bitter spouse.  Can you imagine your disgruntled teenage son being angry that you grounded him?  All he would have to do is make one call to the police and your guns are siezed in a Communist fashion.
My fellow patriots, no doubt you have heard your share of comments from naysayers about how we are too zealous, or we are somehow misguided or misinformed.  How many Canadians heard the same comments before their rights were trampled?  Those rights weren't taken away overnight.  They were eroded over time by the elements of bureaucracy, fear, and misinformation. Once those freedoms are taken away, they are never to be seen again.  So I will say to you in my infomercial-y fashion, "ACT NOW, before our freedoms are gone!"  There are many things you can do TODAY to make a difference for future generations:
Join our forums
spread the word
pass out flyers
set up a town hall meeting in your area
write articles for the Second Amendment March website
write to your legislators
make a donation
write to the media
Set up a Second Amendment March fundraiser in your area
Share your special skills/knowledge
wear your Second Amendment March shirt proudly
Finally, talk to NON-gun owners about the importance of the Second Amendment.  There are many non-gun owners who support the right to keep and bear arms, but because they aren't into the "gun culture", they often aren't aware of these everyday attacks on our freedoms.  Feel free to send them this article, or any other article that helps to bring all freedom-loving Americans together, whether they are gun owners or non-owners, Democrat or Republican.  This isn't about left or right.  This is not about wanting guns for sport or recreation.  This is not just about self defense in the home.  This is about inalienable rights that are not GRANTED by the Constitution, but GUARANTEED by the Constitution.  It's about the last bastion against tyranny and oppression.  It has happened historically all over the world.  Let it not happen here.

 ~ Terri
Second Amendment Town Hall Meetings
We are already planning Second Amendment March Town Hall Meetings all across America. They will bring people together, give them hope and courage, and help them to realize that they are not alone in the fight to restore and maintain our Second Amendment.
If you are interested in organizing a Town Hall Meeting in your area, please contact us at webmaster@secondamendmentmarch.com and we can get you started.
As meetings are scheduled, we will update a map on our website so you can easily locate a meeting in your area.
Volunteerism in Action
All of you are asking what you can do to help promote the Second Amendment March, so I'd like to tell you about one man, John Hobbs, from Oklahoma who took matters into his own hands and gave of his time and his enthusiasm and made a big difference!
John notified us that he would be attending the Tulsa Gun Show and needed flyers for the Second Amendment March. We sent them out to him and John stood on a hard floor for seven hours and passed out almost 1,500 flyers, all the while talking nonstop in support of the Second Amendment! Our undying thanks to you John Hobbs for good initiative and a job well done! (By the way, your efforts did pay off, because we saw a healthy bump in our website visitors for that evening.)
If any of you frequent gunshows, fairs, conventions, or any other type of event and would like flyers to distribute in support of the Second Amendment March, just email us at webmaster@secondamendmentmarch.com with the date and nature of the event, along with an estimate of the number of flyers needed.
There are more volunteer opportunities posted in our forum.
Second Amendment March Store Update
Did you know that we offer Second Amendment March merchandise such as t-shirts, hats, pins, bumper stickers and more at http://store.secondamendmentmarch.com?
For those of you who tried to purchase items using an American Express card or a Discover card and were declined, that issue has now been resolved and you may now use both of those cards in the store.  We apologize for any inconvenience.
New!  Autographed books by author Skip Coryell are now available in our online store.  Please note that Skip is making no personal gain from the sale of these books.  100% of the profit is going directly to Second Amendment March. 
To view the books, go to: https://store.secondamendmentmarch.com/store/comersus_listItems.asp?idCategory=54
When you purchase items from the store, you can be assured that 100% of the money earned by Second Amendment March goes directly to supporting our second amendment rights.  The organizers of Second Amendment March are not taking any personal income from these sales -- it's strictly a fundraising effort.
Wholesale Merchandise Available!
We are pleased to offer wholesale merchandise to retail establishments such as gun shops, ranges, conservation groups, and any other establishments interested in supporting the Second Amendment.
Thanks to Rod and Donna in Montana, we will soon have a new t-shirt available for wholesale.  The rough draft of the design is a circular medallion with a stylized U.S. flag and Minuteman in the center, with "Second Amendment March, Washington, D.C. 2010" around the edge of the circle.  The prototype shirts are being run now, and soon will be available for wholesale purchase and at your local Town Hall Meetings. 
Many thanks to Rod and Donna, who are providing these shirts and printing services below their cost as their contribution to the Second Amendment March!
If you are receiving this email, it is because you requested to receive email updates from Second Amendment March.  We NEVER spam or send unsolicited email.
Thank you for your continued support.

Second Amendment March
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson

No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
Thomas Jefferson.

Offline Dan W

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Re: News from the Second Amendment March
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2009, 09:13:02 PM »
As Seen on T.V.
I admit it.  I am an infomercial junkie.  Oh, it's not that I actually purchase anything from them.  I just seem to be mesmerized by whatever gimicky new product has now made it to the airwaves.

You want I should change your name to "SHAM WOW guy" ?  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D
Dan W    NFOA Co Founder
Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.   J. F. K.

Offline huskergun

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Re: News from the Second Amendment March
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2009, 06:51:24 AM »
LOL!!!!!!!! No that's ok. I think that name is already spoken for at the White House.
 I'm just passing the stuff I get on to who ever wants to read it.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2009, 07:32:22 PM by huskergun »
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson

No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
Thomas Jefferson.