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Author Topic: Everyday Carry Knife  (Read 15085 times)

Offline bk09

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Everyday Carry Knife
« on: January 23, 2013, 11:52:53 PM »
Well I have access to Benchmade knives at 55% off retail and want a knife for everyday carry. If I remember right the blade has to be 3.5" or less in Nebraska, correct me if I am wrong, but I am leaning towards something that's about 3". I was thinking about the 470 Emissary but after finding a review where the guy had 2 weeks of use there was already some noticeable wear on the grey finish, so I would prefer a durable finish. I also like blades with a decent point to it (for example I don't like the 483 Shori).It will mainly be used for cutting tape on gun boxes at Cabela's and whatever other use I can think of (probably won't use an expensive knife as a screwdriver though). Anybody have experience with Benchmades and have any recommendations for me?

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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2013, 01:41:33 AM »
I EDC a Benchmade mini griptilian.  It is about 3" and very useful.  I find myself using it about 2-3x a day minimum.  The model I have is 556SBK.   It's a very solid little knife and the lock is second to none.  Easy to flip open one handed too if you pull the lock tab back the blade will swing freely.  I don't have any other experience with Benchmade knives but I can speak to the quality of mine.

I would suggest getting one with the half-serration blade.  I find myself using the serrated part more than the regular edge.
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Offline Neeco

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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2013, 07:18:38 AM »
I EDC a Kershaw, and have used it far more than I thought I would.  Now that I know I would actually USE something that cost a bit more, I am seriously debating a CQC-6 or 7.

I may need to look at a few Benchmades a little closer now...  8) :o
« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 07:22:52 AM by Neeco »

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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2013, 07:55:38 AM »
A friend of mine gave me a great knife for Christmas.  I didn't think too much about it but knew it was more than I would have paid for a EDC knife.  Then, I lost it.  I dug around on the internet using the only name I remember seeing.  Hinderer.  Holy Crap! The cheapest I can find them are $750.  Maybe cheaper in early bidding, but some were up over a Grand.  Now I dream about that knife.  I lost it, I think, on 48th and Lexington while delivering rain barrels.  I went and looked around the areas I was in, made some phone calls, looked everywhere but it is gone.
Now I know why people invest in a quality knife.  There was such a nice heft to it and the blade quality was miles above the cheap-o varieties I have used in the past. 
The closest knife that is even remotely cheaper is the Zero Tolerance with the Hinderer locking mechanisms.  $300.  That is still outta my budget for a knife.  It was a great gift but when I told this story to my wife, she says: "why would he give you such an expensive gift that is so easily lost?  Has he never seen your garage?!"  That was nice....
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Offline Neeco

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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2013, 08:11:31 AM »
A friend of mine gave me a great knife for Christmas.  I didn't think too much about it but knew it was more than I would have paid for a EDC knife.  Then, I lost it.  I dug around on the internet using the only name I remember seeing.  Hinderer.  Holy Crap! The cheapest I can find them are $750.  Maybe cheaper in early bidding, but some were up over a Grand.  Now I dream about that knife.  I lost it, I think, on 48th and Lexington while delivering rain barrels.  I went and looked around the areas I was in, made some phone calls, looked everywhere but it is gone.
Now I know why people invest in a quality knife.  There was such a nice heft to it and the blade quality was miles above the cheap-o varieties I have used in the past. 
The closest knife that is even remotely cheaper is the Zero Tolerance with the Hinderer locking mechanisms.  $300.  That is still outta my budget for a knife.  It was a great gift but when I told this story to my wife, she says: "why would he give you such an expensive gift that is so easily lost?  Has he never seen your garage?!"  That was nice....

Hinderers are top notch, my friend.  Pitty you lost it!  I have seen a few go for more than 5k. 

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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2013, 08:26:34 AM »
I EDC a CRKT Dogfish. Fixed blade, about 2.5ish inches, and overall maybe 5.5 inches.  Best part? $20.
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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2013, 08:32:45 AM »
We have been selling Benchmade knives at TBH since we opened. Cant say we have ever had any issues with them. If it is going to be a utility knife, stay away from any of the add on finishes though, they dont last. Just go with plain SS.

Like mentioned earlier the axis lock is great for opening and closing one handed. We have sold quite a few to guys who use them everyday, all day long and we get great feedback.

I have owned a number of Benchmades and Emersons. I currently EDC an Emerson CQC7. The wave feature gets it opened faster out of the pocket than anything else that I have handled. For Fire Dept duties I carry a Spyderco Delica with the wave feature. It has seen a lot of use and sweat and has held up better than some of the more expensive knives I have used in the past.

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« Last Edit: January 24, 2013, 08:38:22 AM by sjwsti »
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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2013, 09:10:59 AM »
*SNIP* A friend of mine gave me a great knife for Christmas.  Holy Crap! The cheapest I can find them are $750. *SNIP*

now THAT'S a friend.

i carry a cheapo John Deere knife imported from China.  for $10 its ok, but i would not go looking for it if i lost it.
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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2013, 09:39:05 AM »
Thanks for all the input guys. I have used cheapo knives in the past and wanted a serious upgrade, I can also get some steep discounts on Kershaw and after I complete some product training (probably 20 minutes) I can get Spyderco discounts too. However I keep coming back to that 470 emissary; the blade is exactly what I was looking for, was a smidge over 2oz, the stud on the blade has easy access via a groove cut into the handle, and has a deep carry clip. I will check out Spyderco probably and see if anything tickles my pickle. Hopefully I will get my hands on a nice knife in the near future.

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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2013, 10:02:50 AM »
Most of my EDC knives are Benchmade.  I'm very happy with the quality overall.  However, I've had a few problems with the Auto-AXIS mechanism on my Auto Presidio.  It's been back to Benchmade once already because it wouldn't lock when I closed the blade unless I manually moved the locking mechanism into place.  Now, less than a year later, the auto opening function is sluggish.

With that said, I also own a Mini Reflex Auto.  I've never had any problems with it.  The Reflex utilizes a different mechanism, however.  The Reflex is also a much lighter weight knife than the Auto Presidio.

I also have a Mini Presido Ultra which is not an auto-open knife.  I like it for its simplicity and durability.  Just yesterday, I ordered my first Spiderco knife.  It's the Persistence with the thumbhole open assist (non-auto).  We'll see how I like it.

If you buy a knife with a coated blade, expect the coating to wear off.  It doesn't matter if it's a Benchmade or not.  I have several knives with coated blades.  I use my knives.  The coating wears off.  It's as simple as that.  I stripped the coating off of one of my fixed-blade knives (an ESEE 5) and was pretty happy with the results.  The ESEE's have a carbon steel blade, though, so I keep a light coat of oil on them.

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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2013, 12:30:42 PM »
I carry an Benchmade full size GRIPTILIAN  with a D2 blade which is exclusive to Cabela's

I love the AXIS lock
Dan W    NFOA Co Founder
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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2013, 09:07:32 PM »
I have a Benchmade Mel Pardue ATS-34 that I bought over 10 years ago.
I carry it most every day.
There is some wear on the handle and the blade needs sharpened, but no problems with it.

I liked it enough to pick up a couple more Benchmade knives recently.

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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2013, 08:49:56 AM »
Right now I'm carrying a relatively cheap SOG Trident Tanto.  It's borderline over the 3.5" limit so I have to make sure it's not "concealed".
I'm saving up for an Emerson Super Karambit though.

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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2013, 04:54:09 PM »
Praise the Lord, I found my Hinderer!!!  Cause for celebration!! Now, about that zero tolerance I just ordered last night....
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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2013, 06:56:57 AM »
So I found my Hinderer the day after I ordered a relatively cheap alternative.  The Hinderer can go for thousands of dollars.  Way too rich for my blood, but it was a gift.  I really liked carrying a high quality knife so I ordered one very similar but only cost the bargain basement price of ~$250.  It was a impulse buy spurned out of bereavement for the hinderer.  Now that I have both, I like the Zero Tolerance knife better.  I put the Hinderer in the safe and just simply LOVE my ZT.
I still carry my leatherman mutt, too. That is about the handiest tool on the planet.  It does have a knife, but the screwdrivers and pliers really make it worth the extra heft.  The hammer is handy, too. It was designed for servicing the M4 by the US Army and it does have ideal features. 

Between that, my ZT, an occasional utility knife, my Glock .40, an extra mag or two, and my flashlight, keys and my "George Kastanza" wallet, my pants are damned heavy.  I use a riggers belt but have to check for pulses in my feet to make sure it is not too tight.  I am afraid I need suspenders, for Pete's sake.  I used to ask my dad why he wore suspenders, he would say "Have you ever tried to put panty hose on a basketball?"  I am built a little different than he was.  I have the butt required for a belt to work, but with all the weight, I am constantly having to re-hoist all my gear.  Guess I could get the lady thrilla fanny pack, but...well, its a fanny pack, tactical or not, and it is just wrong. 

Thanks for sticking with me through my morning ramblings and bloviations.  My point was, before I got sidetracked, the ZT is a great knife. The leaterman Mutt is a great multitool/knife. The end.
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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2013, 07:46:50 AM »
I'm a big fan of Kershaw knives, as long as you get one of the USA made ones.  I think they're a great value for the money.  That's important to me as I tend to lose folding knives.  In the past two years, all Kershaw:

1. Confiscated by TSA after I forgot it was in my carry on.
2. Mysteriously disappeared somewhere in the laundry chute after I forgot to unclip it from my pants.
3. Lost while deer hunting.  Used it to gut a buck, then set it on top of the carcass to wait for help lifting him on the 4-wheeler.  Forgot about it and it fell into the leaves.
4. Had the latest one for 1 month and I'm trying to think up an interesting way to misplace it.

I blame Nebraska's stupid 3 1/2" blade limit for carry knives.  I have a fixed blade Cold Steel Master Hunter that I've had for over 20 years and it's still hanging around.  My theory is I only lose small knives.

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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2013, 07:54:55 AM »
Well guess i'm breaking the law with my new edc knife, camillus cuda.
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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2013, 09:50:03 AM »

I blame Nebraska's stupid 3 1/2" blade limit for carry knives.

Whoa! Guess I never knew that, or even thought about it. Interesting. (Proceeding to internet search.)

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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #18 on: February 02, 2013, 12:02:25 PM »
Rotate between: CRKT M21-02GL(current), M16-01Z - Spear Point, M16-01KZ - Spear Point

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Re: Everyday Carry Knife
« Reply #19 on: February 02, 2013, 12:31:43 PM »
For those that don't know.

If a knife is under 3.5" in blade length, it is not legally a knife by definition. If the blade is longer than 3.5", it meets the legal definition of knife and can not be concealed, and a CHP does not cover any weapon other than a handgun.

Also a few other tidbits... Longer than 3" is illegal in Hastings, and any switchblade is illegal to sell or possess in Lincoln.

I am sure there are more so be careful out there
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