February 8, 2013
Dear Mr. Curtis:
Thank you for taking the time to contact me about gun control and your opinions on this important issue. I am deeply saddened by the recent rash of gun violence throughout our country and especially at our schools and I am concerned about how our nation is going to react.
As a society, we cannot stand by and not take action as a result of the deaths of innocent victims. The fabric of our culture was not woven to tolerate it. Congress must continue to be vigilant for opportunities to stem and eventually prevent violence. We have no choice but to trust our neighbors with instruments that are dangerous in the wrong hands. The consequence of individual freedom is our reliance on individual responsibility. lt is therefore incumbent on all of us to lead by example.
I believe that an essential element to a free society is the right to responsible gun ownership. The Second Amendment to our Constitution binds me as your Congressman not to infringe on this right and I have no intention of doing so.
Within the limits of the Second Amendment, I have settled on a four-point plan to ensure that a person who possesses a gun does so with no intention to harm innocent people, and to provide for the safety of our children. First, I support background checks at gun shows, I believe this would be a reasonable step to ensure that as many gun owners as possible come into ownership as responsible citizens. Second, I would support grant funds for police officers at schools. Third, I support certain mental health issues being part of a background check, For example, if an individual shows intent to perpetrate imminent violence during a mental health evaluation, this information should be shared to ensure that he or she could not carry out these intentions with a gun. Fourth, we should do more with the laws on the books and more vigorously pursue enforcement, For example, prosecutions for falsifying gun ownership applications have declined significantly over the past several years. We should reverse this trend and send a message that attempts to circumvent gun laws will be severely punished.
America has been through a difficult period of gun violence recently with no real reason as to why it has suddenly escalated to the level it has. This issue must be dealt with properly without overreacting and I am confident that Congress will do the right thing in the end.
Thank you again for the opportunity to respond to your concerns. Like you, I have spent a great deal of time thinking about how Congress can better facilitate a peaceful and free society. I look forward to hearing from you in the future.
Your Representative in Congress