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Author Topic: NDAA  (Read 2071 times)


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« on: February 14, 2013, 08:18:35 AM »


Indiana, South Carolina Anti-NDAA Bills Fly Through Committee
BOWLING GREEN, OH - February 13, 2013
Yesterday, February 12, “anti-NDAA” legislation passed senate committees in both Indiana and South Carolina.
In Indiana, S.B. 400 was championed by Sen. Jim Banks and Elkhart County Sheriff Bradley Rodgers who both spoke before the Corrections and Criminal Law Committee hearing in support of the bill.
Sen. Banks pointed out the sections of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 that violated the U.S. Constitution, specifically Sections 1021 and 1022 that allow for the indefinite detainment of American citizens without due process.
PANDA Indiana Team Leader James Kerner praised Sen. Banks’s speech, saying, “I suggest the ACLU, Occupy movement, Tea Party movement and Oath Keepers throw their full support behind Sen. Banks. He should be made a household name like Ron Paul.”
Sheriff Rogers spoke of the oath he took to uphold the Constitution and asked if he would be prohibited from taking action if federal agents illegally kidnapped citizens in his district.
The committee’s answer: “No.” The bill passed unanimously, 8-0.
Likewise in South Carolina, word comes from the Tenth Amendment Center that legislation seeking to nullify the “indefinite detention” provisions of the 2012 NDAA was approved by the state Senate Judiciary Committee today, 14-6.
The bill was pre-filed last fall by Sen. Tom Davis and called Sections 1021 and 1022 of the 2012 NDAA “a direct threat to the liberty, security and well-being of the people of South Carolina.”
The next step for the bills in each state is to reach the floors of their respective senates for a vote.
Thanks to organizations such as the Tenth Amendment Center, American Civil Liberties Union, Bill of Rights Defense Committee and tireless grassroots activists everywhere, successes for defeating the 2012 NDAA are starting to happen all across the country.

Copyright © 2013 People Against the NDAA, All rights reserved.
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« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2013, 08:19:46 AM »

Indiana, South Carolina Anti-NDAA Bills Fly Through Committee
BOWLING GREEN, OH - February 13, 2013
Yesterday, February 12, “anti-NDAA” legislation passed senate committees in both Indiana and South Carolina.
In Indiana, S.B. 400 was championed by Sen. Jim Banks and Elkhart County Sheriff Bradley Rodgers who both spoke before the Corrections and Criminal Law Committee hearing in support of the bill.
Sen. Banks pointed out the sections of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 that violated the U.S. Constitution, specifically Sections 1021 and 1022 that allow for the indefinite detainment of American citizens without due process.
PANDA Indiana Team Leader James Kerner praised Sen. Banks’s speech, saying, “I suggest the ACLU, Occupy movement, Tea Party movement and Oath Keepers throw their full support behind Sen. Banks. He should be made a household name like Ron Paul.”
Sheriff Rogers spoke of the oath he took to uphold the Constitution and asked if he would be prohibited from taking action if federal agents illegally kidnapped citizens in his district.
The committee’s answer: “No.” The bill passed unanimously, 8-0.
Likewise in South Carolina, word comes from the Tenth Amendment Center that legislation seeking to nullify the “indefinite detention” provisions of the 2012 NDAA was approved by the state Senate Judiciary Committee today, 14-6.
The bill was pre-filed last fall by Sen. Tom Davis and called Sections 1021 and 1022 of the 2012 NDAA “a direct threat to the liberty, security and well-being of the people of South Carolina.”
The next step for the bills in each state is to reach the floors of their respective senates for a vote.
Thanks to organizations such as the Tenth Amendment Center, American Civil Liberties Union, Bill of Rights Defense Committee and tireless grassroots activists everywhere, successes for defeating the 2012 NDAA are starting to happen all across the country.


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« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2013, 08:21:01 AM »
I've sent this to some of our Nebr Senators.... Make sure all of us send this to them and get them on board!!!!

Offline NE Bull

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« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2013, 09:21:39 AM »
HELL YEAH! With everything I have been hearing lately, I think it may be due time to break out the Stars and Bars, ' cause, brother, the South's Gonna Do It Again. 
(* Insert some Charlie Daniels Dixie Fiddlin' here *)
“It is not an issue of being afraid, It's an issue of not being afraid to protect myself.”
 Omaha Mayor Jean Stothert
 "A gun is a tool, Marian; no better or no worse than any other tool: an axe, a shovel or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that."  Shane


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« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2013, 12:01:40 PM »

It, again, is up to We-the-People. How many are willing to put on the armor of God, pick up Obama’s gauntlet and slap him back?
“For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death” – Psalm 48:14
DOJ 16-page memo: http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/msnbc/sections/news/020413_DOJ_White_Paper.pdf
Judge Napolitano On Drone Strikes: Nowhere Justifiable Under The Constitution Or Federal Law: !
Napolitano: Obama ‘stealing’ American lives: http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/napolitano-obama-stealing-american-lives/
Larry Grathwohl on Ayers’ plan for American re-education camps and the need to kill millions:
The Darkest Design of Barack Obama: http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/52504
Is the USA Ready for an American Stalin? http://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/5827


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« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2013, 12:04:02 PM »

NDAA troubles me and if they can do that to US citizens, what else would they try.

There are some problems with a bill to stop the NDAA in Nebraska.

First, it is too late to introduce a bill in the Unicameral.

Second, it a bill to nullify an unjust federal law, if it could somehow get out of committee, then it would take 33 votes on the floor to overcome the filibuster that Sen Chambers would undertake.

Finally, we would have to get a federal court to uphold the law.  That may happen, at some point, but it hasn't happened yet.

A bill like this could happen in a two house partisan legislature where committee chairman have a lot of power and majority leaders can move legislation by stacking committees.

It is very tough to do in our non-partisan Unicameral.   



Bill Kintner
Nebraska State Senator, Legislative District 2



The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that is good. 
   -George Washington


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« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2013, 12:07:51 PM »
Ok now we have heard from Sen. Kintner,..... we now need to start to get the ball rolling on  this to protect ourselves.

What good is it to have a firearm when they have this much POWER....



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« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2013, 12:19:32 PM »
I say if other states can do this we need to VOTE THOSE OUT OF OFFICE who do not have our best interests at heart, so we can get this to protect ourselves.... but just like Sen. Kintner responded we need to be pro aggressive and let those to hold offices that can stop this your job is on the line. The time of pussyfooting around is over folks we need to step up now... or the only thing that will be left for us to do is bitc*...bi*ch...*itch and let them do to us who would draw the line in the sand from standing. We admire those business like Larue, Olympic and the like but then they are STANDING and have a set....


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« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2013, 09:24:52 PM »

NDAA troubles me and if they can do that to US citizens, what else would they try.

There are some problems with a bill to stop the NDAA in Nebraska.

First, it is too late to introduce a bill in the Unicameral.

Second, it a bill to nullify an unjust federal law, if it could somehow get out of committee, then it would take 33 votes on the floor to overcome the filibuster that Sen Chambers would undertake.

Finally, we would have to get a federal court to uphold the law.  That may happen, at some point, but it hasn't happened yet.

A bill like this could happen in a two house partisan legislature where committee chairman have a lot of power and majority leaders can move legislation by stacking committees.

It is very tough to do in our non-partisan Unicameral.   



Bill Kintner
Nebraska State Senator, Legislative District 2



The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that is good. 
   -George Washington

OK Senator Kintner,...... Here is your 1st NFOA thread NOMINATION FOR ...........U.S. SENATOR KINTNER :kiss: >:D :kiss: 8) ;D