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Author Topic: Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms  (Read 1449 times)

Offline Gary

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Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms
« on: February 15, 2013, 07:54:47 AM »
Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms!


 Feb. 14, 2013, Democrats in the State of Missouri’s House of Representatives introduced a bill, HB 545, which will make it a class C felony to manufacture, import, possess, purchase, sell, or transfer any assault weapon or large capacity magazine.

“Assault weapon” is defined to include semi-automatic rifles, semi-automatic pistols, and semi-automatic shotguns. Exempted from the bill are government officials and employees, and members of the armed forces and law enforcement. If passed, HB 545 will render the State of Missouri into an effective police state.

If approved, HB 545 will become effective on August 28, 2013.

Introduced by Democrat Rep. Rory Ellinger, the bill is co-sponsored by Democrats Jill Schupp, Margo McNeil, and Rochelle Walton Gray.

The bill gives Missouri residents 90 days to turn in their assault weapons and large capacity magazines, or be prosecuted.

Offline DanClrk51

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Re: Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2013, 08:24:21 AM »
These Democrats are idiots. This is political suicide. Missouri is a big gun state and that's not going to fly there. I doubt they'll even pass it.

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Re: Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2013, 08:28:01 AM »
How can they make you turn in somthing you bought legally? Sure ill turn it in for 10X what I paid, wait Nope!


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Re: Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2013, 09:26:11 AM »
kinda sounds like some of our state legistators sadly.

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Re: Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2013, 10:02:02 AM »
Unfortunately, the people that elect these nutball officials believe in this stuff. Look at north Omaha. Cobra...

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Re: Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2013, 12:17:22 PM »
I can here it now from Mr. Local Sheriff: "If'n ya want them guns, ya'll can trek up in them thar hills and gitem yer selfs.  But first, ya might wanna leave me the name and number of yer kin."   8)
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Offline Chris C

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Re: Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2013, 05:21:01 PM »
This is political suicide. Missouri is a big gun state and that's not going to fly there. I doubt they'll even pass it.

I agree. 

As I posted in the other thread about this "I was just in KC a few weeks ago and remember hearing on the local news any new “assault” weapon bans within the state don’t have much traction even with Democrats."  It is just a waste of time and resources. 

Offline GreyGeek

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Re: Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2013, 05:27:14 PM »
There are 52 DEMs and 109 REPUBs in the MO State legislature.    I'd wager that a bill  that extreme won''t pass.   Even  if it did it would be in direct violation  of the SCOTUS ruling of June 5 2008 which validated the claim that the  2A applies to  individuals, not "military", and several lawsuits would result.   The last ruling from SCOTUS was 5-4, which is  close.  One person can switch it.   Several  of the judges are old and/or in limited health.   And,  "accidents' can happen, which  would give the Pres an opportunity to stuff the court with Leftists.   If that happens, and they nullify the 2A,  there will be either  a voter revolution or a shooting one.

However, a majority of lawmakers probably will accept the idea that the 2A is not absolute.   Just like yelling "fire!" in a crowded theater when no such fire exists is not protected by the 1A, they will probably allow limits to 2A such as  magazine sizes.   But, I would be surprised if "scary weapon" restrictions are passed.

Offline Gary

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Re: Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2013, 05:28:14 PM »
That is what they were saying in NY state a month or so ago.  Then one morning, they woke up to the new guns laws they have now.

We can wake up now, or wake up after Hagel and others get through with us.


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Re: Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2013, 05:55:55 PM »
We can wake up now, or wake up after Hagel and others get through with us.


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Re: Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2013, 06:36:20 PM »
Why are all the Dems pushing this stuff right now? Seems odd for states to be pushing gun law until they see where federal control ends up.

With some 8 million gun owners distracted...what are they really up to?

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Re: Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2013, 06:51:07 PM »
Why are all the Dems pushing this stuff right now? Seems odd for states to be pushing gun law until they see where federal control ends up.

With some 8 million gun owners distracted...what are they really up to?

They're pushing hard in all the state legislatures, trying to overwhelm the NRA.  They know gun rights advocates only have so many resources and have to pick their battles.

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Re: Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2013, 08:31:59 PM »

They're pushing hard in all the state legislatures, trying to overwhelm the NRA.  They know gun rights advocates only have so many resources and have to pick their battles.

And that is exactly why we need this...

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Re: Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2013, 11:24:18 PM »
There are 52 DEMs and 109 REPUBs in the MO State legislature.    I'd wager that a bill  that extreme won''t pass.   Even  if it did it would be in direct violation  of the SCOTUS ruling of June 5 2008 which validated the claim that the  2A applies to  individuals, not "military", and several lawsuits would result.   The last ruling from SCOTUS was 5-4, which is  close.  One person can switch it.   Several  of the judges are old and/or in limited health.  And,  "accidents' can happen, which  would give the Pres an opportunity to stuff the court with Leftists.    If that happens, and they nullify the 2A,  there will be either  a voter revolution or a shooting one.
GreyGeek, did you just insinuate what I think you did?  ;) 8)  At this point nothing the Gubmit or detractors can or are willing to do would surprise me.
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Offline GreyGeek

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Re: Missouri Introduces Bill To Confiscate Firearms
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2013, 11:14:44 AM »
GreyGeek, did you just insinuate what I think you did?

That I did, and that is what I suspect will happen to at least two SCOTUS judges within the next three years.   It will be attributed to old age if they don't die in car "accidents", or fall out of the sky in a "malfunctioning" plane.

As an old fart I can  recall many of the incidents reported on this web page: http://whatreallyhappened.com/RANCHO/POLITICS/BODIES.html, especially those about Ron Brown, Vince Foster and Barry Seal.  The body count of unexplained or misexplained deaths are far out of proportion to the standard table of mortality death rates.  Find another politician in this country whose staff, aids, supporters that were working directly with the politician have even half the body count that the Clintons have.

Ricin was obviously used in at least one case, but certain compounds of Copper can  cause heart attacks at extremely small doses, and N-Bromo-Succinimide kills very quickly and break down in the body without a trace. It was (is?) legal  in Missouri to use NBS on arrows used to  hunt game to quicken the kill in order to reduce pain and suffering.   My Master's degree is in Biochemistry, with major hours in math and physics.    The number of compounds that can be surreptitiously administered to  cause death and  leave little or no trace are significant.    And, no trace is found if the Coroner doing the autopsy doesn't "find" the  agent, or flat out lies about it, as happened in more than one case in those listed above.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2013, 11:19:21 AM by GreyGeek »