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Author Topic: American Ammunition (Miami, FL)  (Read 12002 times)

Offline Lmbass14

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American Ammunition (Miami, FL)
« on: February 16, 2013, 07:16:58 PM »
A while back at the Ft. Calhoun gun show, I was looking for some .223 and came across this one guy selling American Ammunition.  I haven't heard of the brand, and since it was made in America, thought it was a start up company, and be good to test out also  keeping that buy in the USA theme. Like a dodo head ended up buying a case (1,000 rounds) instead of doing a test of a box to see if my mini and dpms would like it.  To be honest I was kinda excited about it cause thought I'd found a new Black Hills.  Well, after getting home and doing some research, my excitement faded pretty rapidly.  The reviews that was read were extremely terrible but a few good reviews thrown in.  The bad reviews said that this company is noted for way under/over charged cartridges, from squibs to breaking the chamber.  Like the 'ol saying goes, "pics or it didn't happen", and haven't seen any pics, just a guy who knew a guy...type of answers.

Since I'm not 100% convinced that this is quality ammo, don't want to use it in my firearms, and can't sell it because my conscious would really bother me, specially if someone got hurt or maimed.  The only option left that is to sell it to a reloader so he/she can pull the bullets and rebuild them to their own specs.

The question that needs to be asked is: Has anyone used this ammo? Are the reviews that were read accurate?

Your thoughts are appreciated.

Thanks SFG.


Offline msspatz

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Re: American Ammunition (Miami, FL)
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2013, 09:12:06 PM »
This is what I found about American Ammunition:

Apple pie and ammo. American Ammunition makes small arms ammunition for commercial, law enforcement, and military use. The company, which markets itself as a low-cost ammo supplier, is a contractor for the US Department of Defense and sells its products to both domestic and international governmental agencies. The majority of components used in its assembly of finished pieces are made in-house. American Ammunition plans to boost production capacity over the next several years. Unlike most ammunition manufacturers, American Ammunition skips the distributor and sells directly to retailers through its proprietary system. The unique arrangement is part of what allows the company to sell its products at a discount.

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/american-ammunition-inc-1#ixzz2L7eH7YsE

Offline Dan W

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Re: American Ammunition (Miami, FL)
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2013, 10:09:24 PM »
I nursed my way through 500 of them back in 2003 ... only had 3 case separations and about 10 blown primers ???...and as I recall the brass is useless for reloading because all the primer holes were off centered :o and I broke 2 primer punch pins before I figured that out :angry:
Dan W    NFOA Co Founder
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Offline Lmbass14

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Re: American Ammunition (Miami, FL)
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2013, 07:02:19 PM »
Thank you for your responses.  Guess will do more research and see what happens.  msspatz, my Brother and I meet in Trenton every year to do some hunting.  Love that part of NE.

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Re: American Ammunition (Miami, FL)
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2013, 07:22:18 PM »
For 'factory cheap plinking rounds', AA appears to do okay, at least in pistol cartridges like 9mm (a friend who lived in Pensacola, FL shot a lot of AA).  No personal experience though.
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Offline msspatz

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Re: American Ammunition (Miami, FL)
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2013, 09:33:00 PM »
Thank you for your responses.  Guess will do more research and see what happens.  msspatz, my Brother and I meet in Trenton every year to do some hunting.  Love that part of NE.
Awesome I love going to the lake over there.  I've never hunted I'm more a sport shooter targets and such.  One day though I may have to try and get me an antolope I like them better than deer only cause someone cleaned one the wrong way and got way to much hair on the meat and spoiled it.  Where's your brother from?

Offline Lmbass14

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Re: American Ammunition (Miami, FL)
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2013, 01:41:30 PM »
My Brother's from Longmont CO.  I'm from Ralston (south of Omaha).  So it's about 1/2 way.  A friend of his owns some acreage south of Trenton.  We eat at the marina a lot when were there.  Nice lake and wouldn't mind fishing it some time.  We say we go hunting, but don't really work at it, we do more bs'ing and enjoy the moment.

Offline msspatz

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Re: American Ammunition (Miami, FL)
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2013, 09:12:47 PM »
I'm orignally from Wray, Co. My husband from Goodland, Ks.  I like Trenton lake but not have caught very many fish and I love to fish the lake north of McCook usually is a pretty good fishing lake but right now they are redoing the dam so it's not even worth going out there I have heard that they have caught fish out there since the water is so low.  I can't wait for that lake to fill up again.  The lake at Cambridge is pretty good seen lots of fish but my husband can't set in one place very long cause he gets frustrated with fishing LOL.  Guess he doesn't understand it like I do.

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Re: American Ammunition (Miami, FL)
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2013, 01:56:31 PM »
and as I recall the brass is useless for reloading because all the primer holes were off centered :o and I broke 2 primer punch pins before I figured that out
That would be the difference between boxer primed (reloadable) and berdan primed (not reloadable) brass and why thorough inspection of each case should be done as the very first step.

Offline Dan W

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Re: American Ammunition (Miami, FL)
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2013, 07:50:28 PM »
That would be the difference between boxer primed (reloadable) and berdan primed (not reloadable) brass and why thorough inspection of each case should be done as the very first step.

Oh they were boxer primed all right, but the hole  in the base was actually drilled off center.  Ever heard of AMERC brass
Dan W    NFOA Co Founder
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Re: American Ammunition (Miami, FL)
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2013, 03:03:48 PM »
Doesn't look like they are in business anymore. This is what I found:

The company was founded in 1983 and is based in Miami, Florida. On September 23, 2008, American Ammunition, Inc along with its affiliate Industrial Plating Enterprise Co filed a voluntary petition for reorganization under Chapter 11 in the US Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Florida, Miami.

More here:

I think I remember seeing their stuff on the shelves at one time...

Offline greg58

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Re: American Ammunition (Miami, FL)
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2013, 10:04:21 PM »
I bought some AA 9mm for cheap from Sportsmans Guide about 15 year ago, it all fires, but have had some fragmentation show up when shooting paper thru my S&W5906.
Plus the brass is unrelaodable, YGWYP4.
 I still have 600 rounds left.
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