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Author Topic: Lies gun grabbers tell  (Read 998 times)

Offline GreyGeek

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Re: Lies gun grabbers tell
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2013, 01:16:51 PM »
A good read there GreyGeek.
During `morning coffee` today, the comment about attacks on character came up (briefly)..after I mentioned what the 2A realy means to me (why did the founders of this great country feel the need to put that in there?). To me, it`s not so much about protecting myself from a `bad guy`. Nope..and the fact that the government wants to put more restrictions on specific types of firearms, well..that makes me want to cling a little tighter. That kind of makes me a crazy nut-job huh?
I was in good company this morning though, and no one made such attacks on my character
Thank for sharing Grey,  especially good is the last paragraph.

Offline abbafandr

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Re: Lies gun grabbers tell
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2013, 04:15:22 PM »
The key point was touched here. Statist. The gun control crowd thinks the state should take of everything.  They get agitated that us unwashed masses actually have the nerve to want to defend themselves.

Offline Hank

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Re: Lies gun grabbers tell
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2013, 04:31:40 PM »
abbafandr, is there supposed to be a link at, Statist? If so, it wouldn`t open for me...or I dont know how..lol

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Re: Lies gun grabbers tell
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2013, 04:43:37 PM »
abbafandr, is there supposed to be a link at, Statist? If so, it wouldn`t open for me...or I dont know how..lol

Hank, no link, just there for emphasis :laugh:

Offline Hank

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Re: Lies gun grabbers tell
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2013, 04:48:46 PM »
 :laugh: :laugh:ok thanks.. :-[

Offline SS_N_NE

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Re: Lies gun grabbers tell
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2013, 05:24:25 PM »
From a March 6, revisit to the site of the Arizona Gabrielle Giffords shooting:

Ken Dorushka, who protected his wife with his own body during the shooting, said the talk about rights that swirls around any discussion about gun laws should not exclude the perspective from victims of gun violence.

“When you talk about rights,” Mr. Dorushka said, “the rights of little Christina-Taylor Green to see her 10th birthday supersedes the right of anyone else to have an AK-47.”

OK...so we are all sympathetic to people injured by insane people. However, I do not recall an AK being used in that particular shooting. It is offensive that people believe they can use unfortunate events and particularly victims (childern) to satisfy their own agenda. This sort of communication demonstrates that people will resort to anything to get what they want.

Offline Hank

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Re: Lies gun grabbers tell
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2013, 08:08:47 PM »
How about banning vehicles..or alcohol? It`s just `common sense`.