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Author Topic: Catching Liars in the act...  (Read 901 times)

Offline GreyGeek

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Catching Liars in the act...
« on: March 15, 2013, 09:46:06 PM »
The L.A. Times is no friend  of the Constitution, especially the 2nd Amendment.
They published this article about the "10 trigger-happiests states in the country".
It was a side piece to the article depicting pro 2nd Amendment folks as
There are, in increasingly frightening numbers, cells of angry men in the United States preparing for combat with the U.S. government. They are usually heavily armed, blinded by an intractable hatred, often motivated by religious zeal.

They're not jihadists. They are white, right-wing Americans, nearly all with an obsessive attachment to guns, who may represent a greater danger to the lives of American civilians than international terrorists.
which is merely a reprint of a report by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a Leftist organization hiding behind the "Social Justice" mantra that is so popular among Leftists.  Like Al Capone, who organized food kitchens and handed out money  to people standing in food  lines, they conceal their agenda behind good works with lots of propaganda strings attached.

Their  10"trigger-happiest" states are, in their order: Louisiana, South Carolina, Maryland, Missouri, Michigan, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, Arkansas and Pennsylvania.

By contrast, the FBI, in 2011, listed the top ten states in their "Table 20":
which I've sorted by total firearm murders:
State             Total Murders    by Firearms
California                  1,790          1,220
Texas                  1,089             699
Pennsylvania             636             470
Michigan                     613             450
New York                     774             445
Louisiana                     485             402
Illinois                     452             377
Georgia                     522             370
Ohio                             488             344
North Carolina              489              335

The lists are entirely different.  That created by the Southern Poverty Law Center focuses on what  they derisively refer to  as "patriot" and "militia" groups.  According to them being a patriot must be a symptom  of blind hate.  They never address the threat Marxist groups pose to our Republic, because if their rhetoric is any indicator they really hate the  Constitution or any citizen's ability to defend themselves from criminals or tyrants.

One fact that stands out is that the firearm murder rate of Illinois is almost entirely due to gang shootings in  Chicago.  Another is  that one of the most liberal states in America, and home of the Hollywood Hypocrites has the highest firearm murder rate in the  country, but apparently there are no hate-blinded, heavily armed, religious patriots in California.

The FBI has another interesting table,

It shows that murders by firearms has been steadily DECREASING, on average, during the four years reported.   Feinstein and the Leftists in the Senate are pushing to outlaw semi-automatic rifles.  Scary looking features aren't the "distinguishing marks" of  lethality, and they know that.  But that mischaracterization is more easily sold to an ill or misinformed public as a prelude to banning ALL of your semi-auto weapons; pistols, rifles and shotguns.   Feinstein has repeatedly said that was her goal - total confiscation, just like in the U.K. and Australia.    HOWEVER, an interesting fact obtained from the FBI's "Table 8" is the fact that in 2011, for example, the total number of murders in which a rifle was used was 323.  That was NO typo.  323.   Why all the rush to ban "assault" rifles, which are merely semi-automatic rifles that have been around for a century and  are rarely used to kill people?  That same table shows that 5X as many people die from injuries administered by knives!.  If the concern is reducing the number of lives lost by violent acts then more could be saved by banning knives.  As a bonus, they are not protected by the 2nd Amendment, and  can be more easily infringed. 

Shotguns account for as few as rifles do.  People kill other people twice as often with hands, fists and feet than with rifles or shotguns.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2013, 09:58:51 AM by GreyGeek »

Offline RedDot

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Re: Catching Liars in the act...
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2013, 11:08:46 PM »
Good to see the LA times with their finger on the pulse of America... Is it too late to offer California back to Mexico?
"Heavily armed, Right-wing, white men" represent a greater danger to American civilians??  Check the suspects on all the drive-by shootings that WILL occur over the weekend in L.A., D.C., and Chicago. If you can find one described as a camo hat wearing white male driving a pickup with Pheasants Forever/Ducks Unlimited/NRA stickers in back window, I will gleefully rub the bunions on Diane Feinstein's feet for a week.

Offline SS_N_NE

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Re: Catching Liars in the act...
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2013, 11:24:01 PM »
Why all the rush to ban "assault" rifles, which are merely semi-automatic rifles that have been around for a century  are rarely used to kill people?

Because they know there is a shot at getting these firearms banned. H.R. 3355 did it in 1994. Read that bill and the goals are clear. MONEY. They want to push registration, law enforcement and research. All to channel money where they want it. None of this addresses the issues of violent crime. Politicians do not care about enforcing the laws they make, only making more laws, collecting more money and becoming more powerful.

The media is bought and paid for. It is easy to push worthless statistics to divide and mis-inform the citizens of this country until it is too late.

Offline zofoman

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Re: Catching Liars in the act...
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2013, 08:50:09 AM »
Good to see the LA times with their finger on the pulse of America... Is it too late to offer California back to Mexico?
"Heavily armed, Right-wing, white men" represent a greater danger to American civilians??  Check the suspects on all the drive-by shootings that WILL occur over the weekend in L.A., D.C., and Chicago. If you can find one described as a camo hat wearing white male driving a pickup with Pheasants Forever/Ducks Unlimited/NRA stickers in back window, I will gleefully rub the bunions on Diane Feinstein's feet for a week.

   Good analogy with a grand retort.   Excellent!
"What, me worry?"  ~ Alfred E. Neuman

Offline f1fanatic

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Re: Catching Liars in the act...
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2013, 09:05:06 AM »
What I really take offense to is the vitriolic fear mongering painting nearly half the country as domestic terrorists. WTF!?! So incredibly irresponsible.

Offline SS_N_NE

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Re: Catching Liars in the act...
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2013, 10:34:49 PM »
Listen carefully to what politicians say...it is usually tricks to simply sell their agenda. It amazes me that they can sleep at night after some of the *stuff* that comes out of their mouths. Or, they have convinced themselves that they believe the *stuff*.  *stuff* happens.

Offline jengel2000

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Re: Catching Liars in the act...
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2013, 10:07:39 PM »
The good news is, the Koch brothers are reported to be making a bid to buy out the LA Times, Chicago Trib and a few other liberal rags.