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Author Topic: Reid to use his Gun Bill to Portray Republicans as "Rape Supporters"  (Read 856 times)

Offline Dan W

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Gun Owners of America
Reid to use his Gun Bill to Portray
Republicans as "Rape Supporters"

Honestly. Watching MSNBC is torment.  It is like planting a listening device in Hitler's bunker.

After consultation with the White House, MSNBC has revealed what the Democrat's strategy is for passing "universal gun registration," gun bans, and magazine bans.

Ironically, one MSNBC commentator, Mike Barnicle, accidentally referred to universal background checks as "universal gun registration." What does that tell you about the Left's agenda for background checks?

Bottom line: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will bring gun control (S. 649) to the floor, and he will use his privileged recognition to force Republicans to cast votes that will paint them as wanting to arm rapists and violent felons.

The message is clear for Republicans and pro-gun Democrats:

They need to stop the Gun Control Bribe-O-Thon by filibustering and defeating the Motion to Proceed to the Gun Control Vehicle, which will probably be S. 649.

If they allow the Senate to proceed to the gun control bill, Harry Reid, who has privileged recognition in the Senate will orchestrate a multi-day gun control bash-o-thon — with Obama, Biden, and every other anti-gunner in America coordinating a narrative that pro-gunners support rapists, murderers, and every other type of evil-doer.

The strategy is NOT to allow Reid to stage his bash-o-thon so the GOP can show what it's "for." Reid has control of the floor, and, as we saw with ObamaCare, he will use that control to mercilessly destroy supporters of the Second Amendment.

Plus, Reid will try to get a sufficient number of Senators by using bribes and kickbacks to buy the 60 anti-gun votes he needs (just like he did on ObamaCare).

ACTION: Click http://capwiz.com/gunowners/issues/alert/?alertid=62565716  to contact your Senators. Reinforce that the key vote on gun control is a vote to oppose the motion to proceed to the gun control bribe-o-thon, and to support the Paul-Cruz-Lee filibuster of the motion to proceed to the gun control bribe-o-thon.
Dan W    NFOA Co Founder
Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.   J. F. K.

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Re: Reid to use his Gun Bill to Portray Republicans as "Rape Supporters"
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2013, 10:48:09 AM »
I just sent to both senators.

Offline farmerbob

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Re: Reid to use his Gun Bill to Portray Republicans as "Rape Supporters"
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2013, 06:02:31 PM »
Done. Sent out to several others. Done x 3.
"The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good"-- George Washington