How many rounds per box? Seems a bit pricey to me, even for these days.
20/box 5.56...pricey for pre-sandy hook, yes.
50 for the 45's - seems to be about what I was paying for as long as I can remember - and less in some cases.
If you have a source where either can be had cheaper (much less be had at all - save relaoding, which is not in my budget either) in the here and now I would honestly be stoked to know...
My concern is, unfortunately, that we are going to be continuing to get hit on ammunition more than one an AWB or high cap mag ban so my hopes for prices coming back down are slim in the near, or moderately far, would be a lot easier for legislation to be passed restricting ammunition sales, imports and/or manufacturing or taxing it to high heaven - thus essentially eliminating the need to ban firearms and avoid any direct challenges that the 2A was being infringed upon.
There is no 'right to bear ammunition' to my knowledge, lol...
Just though I would let the good folks on the board know where to go for the hardest - or second hardest - to find ammo these days...I still have yet to lay my eyes on 9mm on any shelves inthe last 5 months, excepting PD rounds.