Here's the scary part: Those people are the
instructors and advanced students at that particular training facility.
They hold MANY classes, and completely RAKE IN the money.
People pay these folks to teach them to handle firearms.
I wish I was kidding, but I'm not.
From poor gun handling skills (obvious everywhere, but specifically noticable at :39 with the poor grip and the bad weaver stance), to completely unsafe situations (EVERYTHING!), poor muzzle control, poor tactical decisions, ridiculously slow trigger actions on close targets, and poor accuracy (look at where the dust is coming up when they are "rapid firing") --- there really isn't anything to applaud about these people. (Oh, let's not forget the really really bad movement skills. And the poor carbine skills.)"The Department of Homeland Security rated us the number one trainers in the world! World-class Firearms Instructors present the same advanced firearms courses that they teach to Seal's, Marines, and S.W.A.T teams."
That is a direct quote from their website, spelled/punctuated exactly like they had it.
I'm not kidding, that is how they advertise themselves. How many errors or outright lies can you find in just those two sentences? (Answer: too many.)