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Author Topic: Senate Bill 649 & Grassley Amendment  (Read 933 times)

Offline all4liberty

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Senate Bill 649 & Grassley Amendment
« on: April 20, 2013, 03:21:05 PM »
i apologize if this is old news.  i'm having a hard time keeping up.
this is basic 101 info for this forum, but maybe members could send this info to people you know who would like to participate but dont' know where to start.   
let me know the latest if this is old news...

thanks for the list of city council endorsements.

FYI, i see that Neb firearms says it will accept no amendments or gun legislation-great!  i can't speak to the details but Senator Grassley has an amendment and Senator Johanns co sponsored it.  i do know it had a section concerning background checks and mental records the state and the federal govt.  it also had a section on law enforcement/safety in schools.  Deb Fisher, from what i know, did not support it.  if you know anything on this let me know.  might be something to ask about when you thank our senators for their initial support of gun rights and it might be worth questioning if we aren't going to accept any new gun legislation from congress...

from a friend, i'm grateful to pass on the info,

Update on DC 2nd Amendment activity.  Understand:

Gun Control is second only to ACA as a trophy of Obama's reign.  We hear almost nothing from the sporting groups and many of them seem to see this as OK, as long as it doesn't affect their hunting guns.  If we're naive enough to believe all guns are not the target, we'll get what we deserve.


Expect a discussion about restructuring our Senate.  There is already talk of how unfair it is that states like NE, MT, ID, etc., with their small populations can block "what 90% of Americans want". 


Lastly, ACA (ObamaCare) has provisions to set the stage for taking guns - with "background checks".  I'm trying to get a copy of a medical form sent to a friend.  You may notice that medical facilities - even emergency rooms - are asking whether you feel safe, have guns in your home, etc.  Those answers will be used as "background" to determine you are unstable and that gun ownership is a risk. 


Background checks - and the ways they will be broadly applied -

are one of the greatest dangers we face.




"We have been granted a very slight reprieve, although I don't believe Sen. Reid intended it to be one. In view of the short time allotted, here is something we need to get on right now since we don't know when Reid will spring his trap on S.649. At that time there are several ways to invoke cloture. See; http://www.senate.gov/CRSReports/crs-publish.cfm?pid=%26%2A2%3C4QLS%3E%0A  for information on procedure. This could be used in our favor or against us depending on the timing. We need to get busy and get another movement going to flood the Senators offices with protests against everything in S.649 and it's sum total of amendments.

We know that Harry Reid is going to put S.649 back in play when we least expect it. I believe he will try to sneak it in for a vote while he has us tied up with other critical issues like the Immigration Reform, and the CISPA bills being debated currently.


We desperately need to take the time we have today and tomorrow to become resoundingly pro-active, and send short and to the point faxes to every Senator in Congress, so they will be flooded by the time they come in Monday Morning. These Faxes need to be clear on our position about the proposed gun control bill (S.649) and the outrageous spin the Administration is putting out about 90% of Americans supporting it.


Let them know we don't believe a word of that. We also will need to start pushing the House to block any gun control measures. I know in my heart that some measure is going to be enacted if we don't keep the pressure on, so lets do the damage control before it happens. Here is a simple sample fax that you can personalize and send to your Senators.

Senator,__________ and Senator,____________;

I know you have Sen. Reid and President Obama along with many in the Progressive Anti-Gun faction, pushing you to vote for the gun control bill S.649. Remember that you work for the people who elected you, and not for the Central Government leaders. This is still a Republic with Democratic Principles, so I am instructing you to support the letter of Constitutional Law and vote this travesty of a bill down when Sen. Reid brings it to the floor. In actuality the voting public does not want this misbegotten and poorly written piece of legislation to pass, and the 90% cited approval cited by the Administration is a false figure. The reasons for that are there are no built in controls or standards that limit what can become dictatorial powers for the enforcement agencies. We believe the existing laws are adequate to address the problems if only they were rigorously enforced. We also need to let you know that the voting public will be watching you under a
microscope on the coming S.649 vote and any new amendments added to it, whenever it is brought back. As the bill is written, all we see is a vehicle that can and probably will be misused, and will not do anything positive to make our schools safer. The Senators who believe in the meaning of the Constitution will find the voting public friendly towards them in their next reelection bid, and those who wish to impose a party line agenda will find their support evaporated.

(Your Name and contact information here)

Here is a sample letter to your Congressmen,


The Senate has passed a poorly written bill ( S.649) which actually only infringes on Voting Americans Second Amendment Rights. We know there has been a lot of pressure put on you by the Obama Administration and the Progressive Anti-Gun faction. Let us remind you that you do not work for them, you work for the people who voted you into office. Therefore I/We the voting public instruct you to vote down any and all gun control legislation coming out of the Senate, since it has no proper/specific Constitutional Guidelines or proper/specific Constitutional checks and balances incorporated within it. Therefore I/We instruct you to vote against any such legislation on gun control that is lacking Clear and Proper/Specific guidelines and checks and balances to prevent an overzealous interpretation of enforcement either deliberate or accidental from the Agencies charged with the enforcement. Both you and your fellow Representatives in the House will find the
voting public friendly in the next election for those Representatives who hold the Constitutional Rights as a sacred trust, and those who wish to vote against those rights and pursue a party line agenda will find their support evaporated. Vote wisely, the voting public will be watching all Representatives votes under a microscope.

(Your name and contact information here)"

Offline Dan W

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Re: Senate Bill 649 & Grassley Amendment
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2013, 03:58:34 PM »
FYI, i see that Neb firearms says it will accept no amendments or gun legislation-great!

Not Exactly..we would accept pro freedom/rkba legislation  ;D

what NFOA said was
The Nebraska Firearms Owners Association (NFOA), in conjunction with 36 other national, state, and local organization members of the National Coalition to Stop the Gun Ban, released an Open Letter to Congress and the American people announcing their opposition to any effort to institute government controls on private transfers of personal firearms between law-abiding individuals.  “In recent weeks, the focus of gun control has shifted from bans on certain firearms and magazines to a push for ‘Universal Background Checks’ on private transfers between law-abiding citizens,” NFOA President Wesley Dickinson stated.  “On the surface it may seem like a good idea; however, these ‘Universal Background Checks’ on private transfers are much more complicated, more expensive, and fraught with more hazards than most people realize. Furthermore, extending existing background checks to include private transfers would not have prevented the recent tragedies our nation has experienced, which is what anti-gun politicians and lobbyists claim to hold as their goal.  As Nebraskan firearm owners learn the dangerous implications and utter ineffectiveness of these proposals, they will increasingly join the opposition to them.”
Dan W    NFOA Co Founder
Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.   J. F. K.

Offline AAllen

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Re: Senate Bill 649 & Grassley Amendment
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2013, 04:10:49 PM »
Well I had friends involved in negotiating the Grassley Amendment and also involved with the Toomey/Manchin Amendment that tried to get some things fixed, that did not happen.  I hear a lot of what is going on, and large amounts of what I hear I can not speak of publicly.  But the NFOA will not support any legislation that limits your rights. 

Now if you wish to discuss the Grassley Amendment, it actually supported and protected our rights.  I don't think any NFOA member has a problem with the fact that Senators Johanns and Fischer supported this amendment.