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Author Topic: Don Larson Was In Town This Weekend, NRA Training Instructor From Minnesota  (Read 987 times)

Offline Gary

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 Don Larson is validated as a carry permit instructor  for Minnesota and a certified carry permit
 instructor for Utah. He is certified by the  National Rifle Association as an Instructor /
 Training Counselor in Pistol, First Steps, Home  Firearm Safety, Personal Protection in the
 Home, Personal Protection Outside the Home,  Rifle, and Shotgun. He is also an NRA certified
 Chief Range Safety Officer. Over 14 years of training experience Don is highly regarded as one of the top NRA instructors/ Training Counselors. His credentials  include the following:

 - NRA Instructor / Training Counselor

 - Gunsite – 250 / 350 / 499 / Advanced Tactics

 - Thunder Ranch – Defensive Hand Gun II,
Defensive Hand Gun III, High Intensity Tactics

 - Blackwater Training Center – Defensive Hand
 Gun I, Black Water Instructor Dev Course,
 Todd Jarrett IPSC Course

 - Fire Arms Academy of Seattle – FAS-1, FAS-2,
 FAS-3, Twice Qualified as Hand Gun Master

 - Shoot-Rite – Instructor Dev Course

 - Certified Glock Armorer

I am taking two classes from Don this weekend, NRA Instructor Pistol Shooting & Personal Protection In The Home'

About twenty people from all over Nebraska are attending Don's two day classes here in Lincoln.

It is a pleasure receiving instruction from such a positive, upbeat, knowledgeable instructor as Don Larson.

My association with NRA has been a long and cherished one, and adding the title of NRA Certified Instructor to my Life Time membership, I hope to be able to put something positive back into my community, in the same way as the NRA has added pleasure knowledge and stability to my Gun experience over the years.

(bucking the current trend, and the superstition that bad things happen in 3's, no unintentional discharges took place at either the classroom, or the indoor firing range:)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 10:17:23 PM by Gary »

Offline SemperFiGuy

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I have driven up to Minneapolis several times to take Don Larson's NRA firearms classes, just to make sure I was getting The Best from the Best.

He is--of course--a Most Excellent Firearms Instructor.

We even did a couple of them on a 1:1 basis.   Now that's Personal Instruction.

It was certainly worth the trip, even in the Minnesota winter.


Certified Instructor:  NE CHP & NRA-Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Personal Protection Inside/Outside Home, Home Firearm Safety, RTBAV, Metallic Cartridge & Shotshell Reloading.  NRA Chief RSO, IDPA Safety Officer, USPSA Range Officer.  NRA RangeTechTeamAdvisor.  NE Hunter Education (F&B).   Glock Armorer