I think it is all of the above.
Professional economists are screaming doom and gloom, but they make money from it.
Look at some of the shows on the tube, Revolution and Preppers come to mind.
Then the looney gun grabbers like Bloomberg, Fienstein etc who admit they think they know what is best for us, so they should have guns, but we should not.
Here in Mobile AL we had two cold blooded killings for no reason other than they were white. White Americans were ok with it when blacks kill each other, but those murders really shocked us.
And then there is the government in general. I know more people that fear the government than fear Muslim extremists! So does that make the US government the largest terrorist organization in the world? And their arrogance about who is supposd to be serving who is apalling, from my garbage man to the president.
And last but not least, the idiots that voted these people into office. They want us disarmed "for the children", while continuing to murder a defenseless unborn child every NINE SECONDS. Whether we realize it or not, that sort of illogical thinking leads to a certain amount of distrust for those who are even semi awake.
So is there a reason, no there are a bunch of reasons. And when I cannot make sense of it all I rely on my prime law of logic which is, "when an intelligent person cannot understand the actions of those around him, someone is either lying or hiding all the facts."