I just renewed my Utah CFP (That's what they call it) online. It cost an additional $0.75 to process online, which is, in my opinion, well worth the extra charge. The most difficult part of it was getting a passport style photo that meets their requirements. For example, I had trouble finding a white background since none of the walls in my house are white. Secondly, having to crop/shrink it to 2"x2" was a little time consuming since the software I have is not the greatest. I ended up going to an online website that will crop the photo for you for free.
During the process I spoke with their office regarding the photo. I was not sure if I could just submit a photo and they would do the cropping & resizing, or if I needed to do that. His answer was that the applicant needs to do most of that. After selecting the image file on my computer, the webform had me do a final crop. I also asked if there were any issues with the photo, would they let me know, and he assured me they would get it worked out.
I will try to remember to post in this thread again when it shows up so people have an idea of the turn around time.