Google 100 monkeys. If you can find the research, a university was studying monkeys that lived on pacific islands. Missionary's introduced the monkeys to eating potatoes, or maybe it was the university, I forget. Anyway, the monkeys liked the potatoes, but did not like the sand in their teeth as they ate them. The students taught some of the monkeys to wash the potatoes in the ocean, before eating the potatoes, to remove the sand.
Once apx. 100 monkeys learned to wash their own potatoes, to remove the sand, other monkeys picked up the behavior, without being taught. Even monkeys on other islands, that could not have been taught directly, by visual skills, learning skills, monkey see, monkey do, learned to wash their potatoes.
It seams there is a general conciseness among species, to suck nipples as a new born, kick other birds out of over crowded nests, and even wash potatoes.
Where am I going with this story, and line of reasoning? Go to a quiet place, and just sit. What do you feel? Do you feel good about today? Tomorrow? Do you feel a harsh future, somewhat like a long cold winter ahead?
Many people report in blogs, forums, talk shows, church pot lucks, a uneasy feeling around the corner. I feel it. I see it in the headlines.
What did I do to prepare for the long winter? I purchased a sailboat. Not to escape physically. To escape mentally. I can't fight what is coming.
I will do what I can. Vote, support NRA, and other groups, write letters, blog, forum, pray a little. But the storm coming, is bigger than I can fight.
I have had 56 great years. Wonderful Mother, wonderful wife (she might read this - lol) great living, born in a good country, with good families, and good people. Grew up in the 50's & 60's when you could trust everyone. Doors were unlocked, and windows were open. Air was clean, water healthy, food untainted.
I lived in an era where lower middle class in America lived better than Kings for thousands of years. I have no complaints.
Will I resist, and pay an ultimate price, or exact an ultimate price from someone else? No. I will lay down and die, knowing my time in the sun was wonderful, and I was blessed.