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Author Topic: Hi Point 995 TS - 9mm carbine  (Read 3951 times)

Offline fishguy

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Hi Point 995 TS - 9mm carbine
« on: July 09, 2013, 09:12:27 PM »
I have owned my Hi point for several years now. I can't say enough good things about these guns if you HAVEN'T already purchased one. Mine chews through steel case ammo as well as more expensive ammo. It is a TACK DRIVER at 50 yds. I have shot it at 100 yds multiple times. You can get a few dinner plate sized groups with some flyers believe it or not. These firearms have a LIFETIME warranty to the ORIGINAL owner or the TENTH owner. Hi point boasts about it's customer service and many of the owners agree that their service is second to none. I'll be honest, I have much more expensive rifles, but the pure fun factor doesn't exist like it does in this UGLY, black, awkward looking thing. If you are considering purchasing one, DO IT. I can't say I'd trust this rifle with my life, but it definitely gets used more than many others I own. They are cheap!  Well, they were... Magazines are 10 bucks and the rifles were had for around 300 before all the commotion. Consider this a review of these firearms in general. I owned a 9mm pistol at one time as well. It wasn't extremely reliable. The carbine has had very few FTF's in the
2000+ rounds I have fired through it. These are easily customizeable and CHEAP to do. Here is a link to their site...


Offline AWick

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Re: Hi Point 995 TS - 9mm carbine
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2013, 10:44:27 PM »
Hopefully this isn't hijacking your review but I do have a hi point C9 9mm pistol that I'd sell ya if you wanted to own one again. Only 50 rounds through it... great little gun but I have a carry pistol in my sights.
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Re: Hi Point 995 TS - 9mm carbine
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2013, 10:07:53 PM »
fishguy, I couldn't agree with you more. I have the .45 caliber carbine and though I doubt it is as accurate as your 9mm, it has the stopping power to make up for it :)

I'm not sure what it is about this rifle, but I have nothing but pure respect for it. Its designers/builders put a lot of thought into it and it is truly a reliable firearm. Out of my entire collection, it is not only my favorite shooter, but it would also be my first SHTF gun I reach for.

I have all of the Hi-Point options on it including a few aftermarket items. There's not one thing about this carbine that I would consider to be lacking in quality. Glad I'm not the only one who appreciates these underdogs!

Offline fishguy

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Re: Hi Point 995 TS - 9mm carbine
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2013, 08:12:44 AM »
Hi Points are also made in the USA!  Buying their firearms keeps American's with jobs. They were pumping them out the last 8 months. People bought a lot of them as they were on Feinstupid's BAN list.

Offline ProtoPatriot

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Re: Hi Point 995 TS - 9mm carbine
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2013, 12:18:02 AM »
What is the cleaning on the Hi-Point?

Do you have to remove a pin to disassemble?

Each morning when I get to work or when it's slow, I pick a sidearm, rifle, or shotgun and study it so I can explain things better when people ask.

For the price, the Hi-Point cannot be beat if in need of a quick home defense gun and low on cash...but they are far from concealable. That's probably my only complaint, is that they are so bulky.

But they do have a reputation for being a "throw away" gun...that I have heard from others.
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Re: Hi Point 995 TS - 9mm carbine
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2013, 07:06:50 AM »
As you can expect, the Hi-Point carbine (not familiar with the handguns) requires a few tools to take down for a thorough cleaning. Its not difficult though and each hardware item is "oversized" so its easy to engage the tool and there are no fears about stripping out screw heads, etc. It is more like a well thought out work horse than anything. It does come with all the necessary tools (and a key tool fits inside the foregrip for storage). Compared to say an AR, the rifle takes several minutes longer to break down. But, the cleaning process itself is quick (similar to a semi-auto .22).

When compared to other rifles in its class, I wouldn't consider it to be bulky at all. I haven't seen the earlier versions first hand, but the latest version has a skeleton stock (and looks a lot better in my opinion). The gun is balanced well and though its compact, it fits nicely in all the right places when firing. The carbine is a bit heavier than you would expect, but personally, I like the feel of a little heft in a long gun. Talking with another member here (AWick---friend/co-worker and knowledgeable gun guy) the Hi-Point handguns are a bit heavier and a bit bulkier than their counter-parts, but they are built solid and perform very well.

I also wouldn't call it a disposable gun. Yeah, its priced low, but I honestly feel like its a good value. Just because its cheap doesn't mean its disposable  ;D I've been fortunate and have had extremely good luck with every firearm I own and all have functioned flawlessly every time. The Hi-Point carbine is no exception.

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Re: Hi Point 995 TS - 9mm carbine
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2013, 08:06:20 PM »
Thanks for your vote of confidence Cliff. I haven't broken the Hi-Point C9 down in awhile, but I don't remember it being outstandingly horrible or anything. I went and did a quick inspection of to see what an initial "impression" would be like since I haven't handled it in awhile either. It is fairly... "clunky"... I guess and definitely lacking on aesthetics. It is a fun little plinker that's for sure. I thought that it was having feeding issues and then I realized that the reloads that my "aging" grandfather made for me, for free I might add or at least free to me, did not have the bullets seated properly. This cased the bullet to set back into casing a little bit and snag on the ramp... I know that I should've figured out the issue on the first go around, but alas, that wasn't the case.

But they do have a reputation for being a "throw away" gun...that I have heard from others.

I also wouldn't call it a disposable gun. Yeah, its priced low, but I honestly feel like its a good value. Just because its cheap doesn't mean its disposable

In any regard, I've always had a weird issue with people calling guns throwaway guns... Do they surmise that the gun is to be used in a crime and then "thrown away" or are they intending it to mean that, "well if it doesn't work like i want then i can just "throw it away"?

When I get a chance, ProtoPatriot, I'll bust it out and give it a good thorough break down and report back to you on my findings.
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Offline ProtoPatriot

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Re: Hi Point 995 TS - 9mm carbine
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2013, 10:04:31 PM »
Thanks for your vote of confidence Cliff. I haven't broken the Hi-Point C9 down in awhile, but I don't remember it being outstandingly horrible or anything. I went and did a quick inspection of to see what an initial "impression" would be like since I haven't handled it in awhile either. It is fairly... "clunky"... I guess and definitely lacking on aesthetics. It is a fun little plinker that's for sure. I thought that it was having feeding issues and then I realized that the reloads that my "aging" grandfather made for me, for free I might add or at least free to me, did not have the bullets seated properly. This cased the bullet to set back into casing a little bit and snag on the ramp... I know that I should've figured out the issue on the first go around, but alas, that wasn't the case.

In any regard, I've always had a weird issue with people calling guns throwaway guns... Do they surmise that the gun is to be used in a crime and then "thrown away" or are they intending it to mean that, "well if it doesn't work like i want then i can just "throw it away"?

When I get a chance, ProtoPatriot, I'll bust it out and give it a good thorough break down and report back to you on my findings.

"Throw away" in that they are cheap and once they start having issues, just toss them in the trash...that is one thing someone said...that is also how the military treats them (or used to).
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Offline fishguy

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Re: Hi Point 995 TS - 9mm carbine
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2013, 10:38:42 AM »
Throw away gun? They are not held in high regard amongst avid collectors, however, when they wear out, Hi Point will replace any part free of charge. LIFE TIME WARRANTY. Someone mentioned it being a reasonable home defense weapon.  Personally, I'd trust a low end pump shotgun a little more. Cost is close to equal and would be a superior weapon IMO. Regaurdless, I'm still happy with the product and highly recommend it.