25 states have "Stand your ground" laws, 18 states have Castle Doctrine laws and 6 states (including Nebraska) have weak or no Castle laws.
Both the Stand Your Ground and Castle laws have provisions which prohibit civil lawsuits against those, IF charged, who are found innocent by reason of these laws. These laws do not prevent a person not part of the conflict who was wounded by the gun fire from filing a civil suit against the shooter.
Grey Greek, while not disagreeing with your meaning I need to throw a correction out here.
"Stand Your Ground," "Castle Doctrine," and "Civil Liability Protections" are three separate and distinct items, and the confusion around this and the language people use keeps us from getting improvements made to Nebraska's self defense laws.
1. "Castle Doctrine" This is simply that you have no duty to retreat in hour home, IE. your home is your castle. In the late 1960's a craze went across the country rewriting self defense laws, many Southern Sates ended up with a provision that required you to retreat from and attacker in your home, Castle Doctrine simply removes that from the self defense statute. Nebraska has never had a duty to retreat from your home, there by we have the "Castle Doctrine."
2. "Stand Your Ground" Florida was the first state to pass SYG legislation, but not the first state to have it. Until the craze of changing self defense laws in the late '60's everywhere in the country had SYG. There are multiple Supreme Court decisions that uphold this right and several states never changed their self defense laws, there by doing away with the original SYG (the Constitution); among those are states like Washington and believe it or not California. This is something we have been pushing for here in Nebraska, and because of the black marks the press has given the term SYG we have tried to relabel it the "Victim Protection Act" and include civil protections. The fact that so many people write to their Senator and ask for "Castle Doctrine" is part of the reason we fail to get this passed, those opposed to this legislation simply need to point out that we already have the "Castle Doctrine" (no retreat in the home) and the bill ends up dying.
3. "Civil Liability Protections" This is the third generation item to be added to changes in Self Defense Law in recent years. If you look at the states that have enacted changes the first wave was "Castle Doctrine," then came the hybrid "Castle Doctrine With Stand Your Ground" and some of the states that enacted the Castle Doctrine came back and added SYG, now the same things are happening with Civil Liability Protections. We got a small piece of this a couple of years ago, and those of us on the Board at that time are still not happy with what and how things went down. Do we need to do more, yes, but we are a little ways off from being able to bring this issue back up in the Legislature.
Language matters, especially when dealing with the Legislature, if you use a term that a Senator can claim means something different than what you meant you have lost the battle. That is why I keep telling people to quit asking for the Castle Doctrine. Nebraska has it already and always has. Until we can get everyone using terminology that the Legislature can't twist to a different meaning we will not win these battles.