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Author Topic: AAR - Precision Response Training, Shooting Skills Course  (Read 963 times)

Offline Tacticoolio

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AAR - Precision Response Training, Shooting Skills Course
« on: July 30, 2013, 10:53:09 PM »
This is an AAR (aka, a "review" for you non-tactitypes) for Thomas Howard's Shooting Skills/Fundamentals Analysis course through the Precision Response Training unit.  The course was taken on 27 July 2013 from 8am to 5pm.  There were only four students, due to at least one no-show.

Thomas recommended this course to me as one that should be taken by everyone, regardless of current ability or shooting goals.  That made me skeptical; I mean c'mon, how can it be useful to anyone?  However, the course really is a fundamentals program and has applicability across self-defense and competition shooting.  I would echo his recommendation that this course is appropriate for any shooter.  As it says in the course description, "No matter HOW good you are---an outside eye analyzing your fundamentals will make you a better shooter."

Thomas Howard is a natural teacher, and he's also dedicated himself to a life of teaching.  I've never taken a course with someone as genuinely dedicated to instruction as he is.  Most classes begin with a 30 minute lecture about the instructor's credentials: top-tier classes they've taken, years in combat, military units they've trained with, number of bar fights they've survived, and other hyperbole that's supposed to make me accept their instruction as gospel.  Not Thomas Howard.  Thomas presented material factually, and he could articulate a clear reasoning behind his methods, drills, techniques, and recommendations. 

During some reload drills, I was questioning the actual difference in time between two difference techniques.  Rather then tell some story about how one technique survived a gunfight and without appealing to his authority, we got out a timer and tested.  That's the mark of a man interested in the pursuit of truth.

The drills were basic, which was to be expected in a fundamentals course.  Most exercises involved precision targets (1-2" dots) at 5-10 yards.  We used both paper and steel.  A drill would start with single targets, no time limits, and emphasizing correct movements.  Each drill would evolve and refine the specific skill until it was tested at different distances, multiple targets, and for time.  The common manipulations were broken back down into their fundamental steps so we could re-evaluate how we had adapted them in our own experience.  Am I going to do a four-step draw from now on?  Hell no, I'm going to round out the corners.  However-- I understand how I can round it out more efficiently and consistently because of the exercise.

With only four students, there was plenty of individual attention.  Having shot with Thomas frequently at local matches, it was evident that he had come to class prepared to address specific areas of my posture and stance.  Having a small class size allowed him to make the frequent corrections necessary to help me assimilate the corrections he was teaching.  Even with a small class already, he had a talented assistant helping him for most of the day.

By the end of the day, I was shooting better than when I started.  I left knowing specific areas needing improvement, and I learned a handful of drills to use in my own training.  Round count for the day was almost exactly 450.

The course fee was very reasonable.  The value was excellent.

I recommend this course without reservation.
You are your own first responder.
Argumentum ad ignorantiam.

Offline JTH

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Re: AAR - Precision Response Training, Shooting Skills Course
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2013, 07:03:39 PM »
With only four students, there was plenty of individual attention.  Having shot with Thomas frequently at local matches, it was evident that he had come to class prepared to address specific areas of my posture and stance.  Having a small class size allowed him to make the frequent corrections necessary to help me assimilate the corrections he was teaching. 

That's another way of saying "Every time he walked by me, Thomas smacked me in the back of the head to remind me to keep my shoulders relaxed and my weight down."


Even with a small class already, he had a talented assistant helping him for most of the day.

She's not too bad, for a girl. 

(Hi Ardi!  I know I am going to regret that statement, but it was completely worth it.)

By the end of the day, I was shooting better than when I started. 

Good.  Then I did my job right.  Glad the class helped!

Precision Response Training