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Author Topic: The North East (New England) not a complete lost cause?  (Read 713 times)

Offline ProtoPatriot

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The North East (New England) not a complete lost cause?
« on: August 16, 2013, 01:00:03 AM »
Up here in New England area (mostly Massachusetts) for the week.

Have been talking with people around the area here.

I am about an hour or two west of  Boston tonight and here are some interesting things that have happened...

- wore NRA shirt and was fully welcomed, no problems
- talked with people and they are extremely displeased with all the crap laws and things going on out here
- people up here are working to replace their legislators with people that will loosen things up so they can actually protect themselves
- people can't stand the way things are up here...

now go into Boston...the tune changes and does a 180...
- not welcomed one single bit with NRA shirt (only slightly harassed ...as expected, nothing major though)
- people truly think individuals are not capable of handling things
- people still blame the object
- people in Boston that have grown tired of the way things are in Boston keep moving out to places like south Maine and New Hampshire....just to work to change those places into being more like  Boston
- only ran into a couple of pro-rights (they also turned out to be NRA members) people

but all in all...pretty surprised in the number of people up here that are not going along with things, was pretty sure I was going to be accosted a few times too, but no.

Just wanted to share this interesting trip info...
The USA is a Republic...
This is a Democracy...
This is not the USA...