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Author Topic: Destruction by our hands  (Read 929 times)

Offline ProtoPatriot

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Destruction by our hands
« on: August 22, 2013, 01:18:21 PM »
"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." --Thomas Jefferson

You don't have to be put behind bars to be imprisoned, all you have do is relinquish your rights. Merely allowing restrictions, limitations, prohibitions, etc to be placed on a right is relinquishing one's rights.

You don't have to be in chains to be a slave, all you have to do is ask permission to exercise your rights and/or allow others to make your decisions for you.

Rights are not something to be discussed, bargained, compromised or negotiated about. They are to be protected, fought for, honored, and exercised to their fullest extent. There is no bargaining, compromise, or negotiation to be had when it comes to rights.

Rights are granted by our creator/nature/God and no person or group of people have any right/business/authority infringing upon them, that is for our creator/nature/God to decide alone.

Obedience is a horrible quality, especially in a human being. And those that desire obedience, desire control over others.

Right and wrong are more important than what the law states and more often than not, the law is in the wrong. It is better to do what is right, than to follow the law and allow a wrong to occur.


Several times it has been mentioned in a few areas/forums/etc. that one must follow the so called "laws" out there and merely work to change them. They propose that the "laws" should be followed even if they are violations of rights, even if they are violations of the specific things written in the Constitution.

This is however completely and utterly false. Most laws should be fought against every day, both on the streets and in the system, but most of all completely disobeyed and rejected... especially when they infringe in any way upon a right.

The system is nothing but talk. Voting is talk, not action. Protests are talk, not action. Sending letters is talk, not action. And talk is worthless without action to back it.

"All laws that are abhorrent to the Constitution are NULL AND VOID" and that is the precious SCOTUS (the branch of easiest despotism) that stated that in Marbury v. Madison. Just because some government declares something to be law, doesn't make it so.

Any enforcement of such "laws" that are null and void due to their violation in any manner of the Constitution or rights, is a crime in itself and an attack upon freedom and the individual's rights... which is an act of a traitor and declaration of war.

For example, all weapon laws are immoral/wrong/unjust:
The NFA is abhorrent and an infringement on the Constitution, it is a violation of human rights.
Concealed Carry and purchase permits are abhorrent and an infringement on the Constitution and a violation of human rights.
Background checks are abhorrent and an infringement on the Constitution and a violation of human rights.
Restricting firearms on public property is abhorrent and an infringement on the Constitution and a violation of human rights. (Public property is owned by all individuals, including the one's that wish to exercise their rights and all others have no right to infringe on them doing so)
Knife size/length/type/kind laws are abhorrent and an infringement on the Constitution and a violation of human rights.

Requiring people to do such things to exercise their rights is FORCE, not voluntary as you may have been told or may want to lie to yourself about. Government and groups can only do things by force, only an individual can do things voluntarily.

Not to mention such things do nothing to stop, reduce, or anything to any crime... they only infringe on innocent people's rights.

Nor is this country supposed to have a "society", it was made of individuals united, but individuals non-the-less. Society is nothing but socialism in action. And ONLY individuals have rights, groups/businesses/government have no rights.

But please, explain how following an unjust, unreasonable, a complete and direct attack on human rights is the correct way to go about things...especially when it is a direct violation of the Constitution...a Constitution that the people are the enforcers of, not the government.

Then explain these things:
-Magna Carta
-War of Independence (American Revolution)
-Texas War of Independence (Texas Revolution)
-India's independence
-Underground Rail Road
-Rapes, murders, robberies, etc. in the so called "gun free zones"

If people followed the law - Wesley, Luther, etc would have never branched off the vile and corrupt Catholic church... they would have either given up or been executed. How about right here in our own lands: there was a law in Illinois, Missouri, and other states to execute all Mormons, did they stop following their beliefs? No, they pushed on!
If people followed the law in 1215, the Magna Carta would have never occurred.
If people followed the law during the War of Independence (American Revolution), this Nation would have never existed.
If people followed the law during the Texas War of Independence (Texas Revolution), the west would still be Mexico.
If people followed the law during India's independence, it would still be a British Colony.
If people followed the law during prohibition, eventually they would have just gotten used to it and it would be illegal still today.
If people followed the law during the times of the Underground RR, how many more would have been killed or be left in slavery? (Though, capitalism would have eliminated all slavery by itself, it just would have taken a whole lot longer)
If people followed the law during the holocaust, how many more would have been killed?
and we all know how all these killing zones ("gun free zones") work and how many deaths have resulted from them.

(Not to mention, every single one of these things, required violence to solve them. There is no violence problem and violence does solve things, some them are the most important things.)

Following a law that is blatantly wrong, a violation of rights, immoral, etc. is abhorrent and disgusting not to mention repulsive to freedom itself.

An attack, infringement, violation, etc. on one person's rights is the same on EVERYONE'S rights.

Also, our creators/natures/Gods law trumps all others especially mans law and our creator/nature/God gave us our rights and they are not subject to mans law.

“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” --Abraham Lincoln

“They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Ben Franklin

"Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are the gift of God? That they are not to be violated but with his wrath?" --Thomas Jefferson (1781)

You cannot follow a law and then expect to be able to have it to be changed or repealed...it simply doesn't work (they will just do the same thing later in a different way) and the costs are too high. We must stop trying to use a system to solve our problems and start solving them in our everyday lives outside the system...especially a broken, corrupt system filled with nothing but the worst kind of criminals...

The judiciary is by far the easiest to corrupt and drive a nation into oligarchy. By claiming that SCOTUS is the final arbiter and interpreter of the Constitution (powers never granted to SCOTUS in the Constitution), they have placed SCOTUS above the law and above the Constitution (SCOTUS claimed the powers for themselves, it was never granted)...we have given them the power to decide the laws they wish to enforce or not, thus they now have the ability to pick and choose the laws at their will.

SCOTUS has no authority to "interpret" the Constitution, nor is the Constitution interpretable. The Constitution was written plainly and directly so all would know the limits on government, so all could be on the same page and rise up AGAINST the government when it overstepped its bounds.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.— That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Declaration of Independence

Government has only one duty: to secure individual rights. You cannot secure them by infringing, restricting, placing requirements, etc. on them. To secure them means to prevent and stop any and all attacks on individual rights and things that prevent/stop/hinder the free exercise thereof.


On top of this, some have claimed that they are willing to "fight for their rights"...sure just as long as they don't have to risk anything or lose any of their false sense of safety or comforts.

People say they will fight for their rights, but every time it comes up to truly fight for them, they back down and coward away... so afraid to risk anything.

"oh, I donated money..." - no action
"oh, I did this..." - no action

All anyone is willing to do is talk, talk, talk....again talk is worthless without the action to back it.

Do you really think the tyrants in DC, the state government, or our local governments won't push past that point? Do you really think we haven't already past that point? Evidence is all around that they have pushed past it.

We are well past the point to take up arms against the tyrants...it should have happened many years ago.


Freedom/Liberty is inherently dangerous and does not coexist with peace.

“I prefer liberty with danger than peace with slavery.” --Jean-Jacques Rousseau

“If you want total security, go to prison. There you're fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking... is freedom. ” --Dwight D. Eisenhower

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ... And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty just be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."
--Thomas Jefferson

Freedom/liberty has no price limit. There is no cost too high.


When an individual commits a crime, they are innocent until they are proven guilty of committing the crime. But this is not always done in a court, sometimes self-defense settles it immediately. (Yes, the individual can be judge, jury, and executioner for in self-defense that is what they are and if aggressor is killed during the crime [which makes it blatant that they are guilty] there is no loss and no injustice done.)

But should the person be taken to court and convicted, they are sentenced. Once they have completed their sentence they are to be released and all rights are returned to them to their fullest extent (regardless of what the crime was that the individual committed). Once the punishment the people levied against them is completed, the person returns to being innocent.

If an individual can never be trusted with their own rights, then they can never be trusted around other people and it is best they be executed then allowed to live as others are forced to pay for them.

So please, who are these “criminals” everyone is so worried about? The only ones I know of are either in prison/jail (convicted) or government (currently committing the crimes).




This thing we call "government" in this country is not what was established under the Constitution. This nation was founded as a republic, however we are currently under a vile, disgusting, and repulsive democracy (as all democracies are) heading straight for oligarchy.

"What kind of government was established?" -- asked people who were waiting outside the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787

"...a Republic, if you can keep it..." -- Ben Franklin

(NO, a republic is not the same as a democracy though many democracies claim today to be a republic, but they are not. Democracies are vile and disgusting and should be avoided at all costs.)

Our parents failed.

Our grandparents failed.

Our great grandparents failed.


Shall we continue in their footsteps and fail to re-establish the Republic and maintain it?
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 12:31:43 PM by ProtoPatriot »
The USA is a Republic...
This is a Democracy...
This is not the USA...

Offline Chuck Matson

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Re: Destruction by our hands
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2013, 07:15:56 AM »
I agree ! Just don`t know what else to do about it.

Offline depserv

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Re: Destruction by our hands
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2013, 08:26:45 AM »
Those who make laws should obey the law written in the Constitution.  When they refuse to do so, they become in effect a criminal gang.  This is where we are now.  But as a practical matter, it doesn't matter what the law says when people who have no respect for it have the power to put you in jail.  It would be nice if there was a way to enforce the true law and put the true criminals in jail, but I don't know what that way would be.

If you look throughout human history, you see that a majority of people are sheep, who want to be taken care of and controlled.  This is why the freedom we have here today is such a rare thing historically.  And it's why we are slowly but surely losing ours now.  If you look at the demographics that are evolving, you'll see that this trend will escalate dramatically in the coming generations.  So this country will not be a very nice place for our descendants.

Our political and cultural leaders have betrayed the greatest country that has ever been.  And a majority has followed along like a herd of good little sheep.  Those who would oppose this are too disorganized and too few in numbers to do anything about it.  As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end.  We are seeing this unfold before our eyes now.

I'm open to suggestions on how to reverse this.  Maybe our military people deciding to obey the oath they swore to defend the Constitution?  The militia would back them up.  This doesn't seem likely though.     
The liberal cult seeks destruction of the American Republic like water seeks low ground.

Offline Chuck Matson

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Re: Destruction by our hands
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2013, 08:51:43 AM »
Those who make laws should obey the law written in the Constitution.
Those that took an oath to preserve , protect and defend the Constitution and then go about destroying it should be removed from said office. But that would require Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Public to "wake the h*ll up"! Sadly, I don`t see this happening in large numbers like it should.