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Author Topic: engc events descriptions?multi gun?  (Read 2541 times)

Offline skydve76

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engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« on: March 08, 2012, 01:04:25 AM »
Multigun? Xtc snowball?

Offline dcjulie

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Re: engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2012, 09:43:59 AM »
Are you asking for rules and such for multigun?  Here is a link to the ENPS multigun rules:  http://www.easternnebraskapracticalshooters.com/multigun/MultiGunRules2012.pdf

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Re: engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2012, 12:33:38 PM »
I just dont know what those events are about. 

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Re: engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2012, 02:37:14 PM »
Ah, Multigun is a competition that utilizes pistol, rifle and shotgun.  There are several stages per match.  There is one next Sunday if you want to come watch! :)    I don't shoot multigun, so I can only give you the gist of it. 

Here is a link to a youtube video of one of the matches last summer:

Offline JTH

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Re: engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2012, 11:39:27 AM »
Multigun? Xtc snowball?

One of the translation problems here is that you were listing two events that are run by VERY different people.  I couldn't tell what you meant by your post, and only after thinking about it for awhile did I go check the list of ENGC matches and discover that "XTC Snowball Match" was something that ENGC did.

Most of the people who have posted here shoot the matches that are held down in the pistol bay-area of ENGC---those being the USPSA, Multigun, and Steel Challenge matches.  ENGC actually hosts a HUGE number of matches, of which those three are only a tiny part.  While I'm sure that some NFOA members have attended some of the other matches (most of which are rifle matches of one sort or another) I haven't heard much from them about their matches here on the forum--and I haven't personally shot ANY of the rifle matches at ENGC.  I'd like to, but I don't have time.

So----can't tell you anything about any of the rifle matches, including any XTC Snowball Match.

Here is the match schedule for 2012:  http://www.engc.us/2012_Range_Schedule.pdf

It includes contact information for the people who are in charge of those particular matches this year, so unless it is a Steel Challenge, Multigun, or USPSA match, I'd suggest contacting those match directors.

You can always contact Sandy for the other three, but several of us shoot those and post here periodically, so you can just ask here if you feel like it.

Saying all that, back to the topic:  Multigun

Multigun matches at ENGC use rifle, shotgun, and pistol, and often combine the use of several guns on the same stage.  "Stages" contain some "stand-and-shoot" parts, but mostly are composed of the "run-and-gun" concepts similar to larger Multigun matches held around the country (in some ways similar to the move-and-fire aspects of USPSA pistol shooting).

To compete in Multigun, you need at least a 20 gauge shotgun, a 9mm pistol (you can try it with a revolver, but you won't like it), and a semi-automatic rifle.  Technically, I believe you could shoot it with a bolt-action, but you REALLY wouldn't like it.

Most people use 12 gauge shotguns (both semi-auto and pump), AR-15 rifles, and some full-capacity handgun.  Extra magazines for the rifle and handgun will be necessary, along with some way to carry them. 

Probably the one thing that most people DON'T think about (and need to!) is that you also need some way to carry extra shotgun shells.  Some people just have a bunch in a dump pouch, which can work---but isn't really optimal.  Various shell carriers are available.  (Remember, you might be shooting upward of 24 rounds on a shotgun stage---can you carry enough?)

In general, for your first match, as long as you have the basic firearms and can bring enough ammo for the stage up to the line, it'll work out.  Over time, if you decide to keep shooting Multigun, just like any other discipline you'll probably get a bit more competition-specific gear.

Julie already posted one video,  so that can give you an idea of how it works.  It is a seriously fun time.

Next Multigun match is Sunday the 18th of March---feel free to come out and give it a try.  Stage setup starts at 7:15am, registration closes at 8:45, safety/new shooter briefing starts at 8:40, and shooter's meeting is at 9am.

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Re: engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2012, 04:35:58 PM »
I dont have a shot gun can I skip that portion or is it manditory?  I would buy the cheapest POS I could find  anyways.  There doesnt seem to be a good barrell combo (changable barrells) for shooting multi gun and trap from a single gun the ones at scheels were 24" and a 28" combo which makes no sense to me.  Seems it should be 18" and 28" to get the most out of it.

I plan to come out once I solve the shotgun issue.

Offline bkoenig

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Re: engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2012, 06:13:03 PM »
They often have stages that are handgun + shotgun, rifle + shotgun, or all three, so you're really going to need a shotgun.  I can't make it to the match on the 18th or I would let you borrow mine.  I'm hoping to hit the next one so if you want to borrow it then shoot me a message.

If you're buying a shotgun specifically for 3 gun and you want something competitive you're going to want a semi auto.  You can pick up a used Remington 1100  for pretty cheap.  Most people around here seem to use a Remington or a Benelli.  I just have to be different so I use a Mossberg 930. 

I wouldn't worry too much about barrel length.  I've seen everything from 18" to 26" or so and I really don't think it makes a ton of difference.  A 24" barrel would probably be a good compromise.

If you don't want to drop a lot of cash on a shotgun a pump will work ok.  You could pick up a used 870 and have a gun which will be adequate, if not ideal, and still useful for hunting and home defense.  The big time killer in shotgun stages is reloading.  You may have to take 30 shots on a shotgun stage, so you're going to be stuffing a lot of shells into it.  You'll definitely want an extended magazine tube.  The max you can have is 8 in the tube and 1 in the chamber. 

One thing I would very strongly suggest is to get a shotgun with replaceable chokes, or at least a fixed modified choke.  A lot of home defense type shotguns come with an open choked barrel, and I've seen a lot of guys have problems knocking over steel with those guns.  I don't think barrel length matters a whole lot, but in my opinion you're going to want a gun running modified choke to give you a little extra knockdown power.  You could always use heavier loads, but I think 7 1/2 shot with a modified choke is ideal.  It hits hard enough to knock down the steel without generating much recoil to slow you down.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 06:17:24 PM by bkoenig »

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Re: engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2012, 07:04:48 PM »
Thanks for the offer.  I'll go shopping this week and see fi I can come up with something.  Otherwise I'll show up with my 20 guage break action!  My brother has a 20 guage bolt action I could use I guess.

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Re: engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2012, 07:40:59 PM »
Yes, you'll have to have a shotgun, unless you just want to take all the penalties for those parts of the stages.  (The next match coming up will have shotgun/rifle, pistol/rifle, pistol/shotgun, and pistol/rifle/shotgun stages.  Well, at least the first three.  I'm not completely sure what all will be on the fourth stage, but I know that it'll include rifle.)

So---lots of shotgun. 

Thanks for the offer.  I'll go shopping this week and see fi I can come up with something.  Otherwise I'll show up with my 20 guage break action!  My brother has a 20 guage bolt action I could use I guess.

Just to let you know---I started out in what is now called Tac Iron division with a G34 (Production gun, not Limited or anything), a Rem 870 pumpgun (18" barrel, no choke), and a Bushmaster Shorty Ak (carbine-length AR-15).   

Worked perfectly fine.  :) 

I'm currently using a G17, the same AR (though I have a 1-4 scope on it now--Tac Optics division), and I've changed to a Rem 1100 semi-auto shotgun.  The 870 worked just fine, though---as people have said, the main thing holding people back on the shotgun sections is the reloading time, not the shooting part.

Get yourself a basic Rem 870---it is a good all-around gun to have.  :)  Useful for all sorts of things.  (Including several Weeping Water Gun Club matches, too---you can shoot it in their Heavy Metal match, and their 3-Gun match.)
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 07:43:06 PM by jthhapkido »
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Re: engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2012, 11:41:35 PM »
I know you are telling me to ge the rem 870 but its a bit high for me right now given I just bought a berretta and trying to get a nice stock of relaoding stuff.  Cabelas has a Winshester 1200 12 guage, pump action, 24-26" barrel, with a nice big changeable choke on it. Its only like $229 or 269, cant recall.  Good deal, and a useable gun for the events?

Offline skydve76

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Re: engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2012, 09:59:00 AM »
I can also use a bolt action 20 guage :)

Offline bkoenig

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Re: engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2012, 06:43:07 PM »
The Winchester would work fine as long as you can find an extended tube for it.  I see Midway carries them.

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Re: engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2012, 08:05:42 PM »
I know you are telling me to ge the rem 870 but its a bit high for me right now given I just bought a berretta and trying to get a nice stock of relaoding stuff.  Cabelas has a Winshester 1200 12 guage, pump action, 24-26" barrel, with a nice big changeable choke on it. Its only like $229 or 269, cant recall.  Good deal, and a useable gun for the events?

As long as it fires, it'll work. 

The reason most people mention the 870 is that you can pick up used police issue 870s with extended tubes for pretty cheap most places, and that extended tube is handy.

As long as it fires, you are able to handle it safely, and it'll hold shells, you'll be good to go.  :)
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Re: engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2012, 08:52:07 PM »
Today I picked up a Remmington 870 from walmart for $299.  It has a $30 rebate so the price was hard to beat.  It has a long barrel but I plan to get the mag extension.  Took it out and tried it, and shot some trap as well.   I decided it was worth the extra $100 to get the mag extension and have a quality shotgun.

Does anyone know how much ammo is needed for multi gun for each gun?

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Re: engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2012, 09:22:29 AM »
Does anyone know how much ammo is needed for multi gun for each gun?

It changes each time, so bear in mind that these are estimates---and that I always bring LOTS more ammo than I need, just so I don't run out.  (I've never lost a match because I brought too much ammo.    ::)  )

This Sunday's match has rifle/shotgun, pistol/rifle, pistol/shotgun, and 3-gun stages.  So, three stages use each gun.  I'd bring at least 150 rounds of each, just to be safe.

That being said, I'll probably have 60 rounds in mags for pistol plus another 200 in boxes, 90 in rifle mags with another 200 in boxes, and 250 shotgun shells with 24 already in carriers.  :)  Doesn't hurt me at all to have more ammo sitting in my car, just in case I have to reshoot a stage or two.

I'm designing the rifle/shotgun stage (on bay 5), so for example, there will be 10-12 rifle targets and 12-14 shotgun targets on that stage.  (And perhaps a no-shoot or two, so aim carefully!)
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Re: engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« Reply #15 on: March 16, 2012, 09:52:05 AM »
In terms of a shell carrier, I picked up a shell carier that has an open top, is that good enough? 

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Re: engc events descriptions?multi gun?
« Reply #16 on: March 16, 2012, 10:25:57 AM »
In terms of a shell carrier, I picked up a shell carier that has an open top, is that good enough? 

As long as you can carry enough shells in some fashion, you'll be fine.  (And as long as you can get those shells into the gun safely, too)  Just make sure you are able to carry about 24-30 shells when you get to the line...
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