There is a small but growing group of people in Nebraska attempting to pass a ballot initiative that would hopefully strengthen our 2nd Amendment rights. you can read more about us on our fb or at KLKN did a news story this weekend on our efforts and you can see that on our fb page as well
This is going to be a long road for us but we are motivated and doing everything we can to get the word out and succeed. We would appreciate it very much if you could assist us in any way possible. Promoting our cause in even the smallest of ways will help. Like us on Facebook, comment positively on our updates, and share our posts. Any promotion no matter how small helps. Find a circulator and sign a petition, or better yet roll your sleeves up and circulate a petition yourself. If every responsible gun owner in Nebraska collected a single sheet of signatures we'd have more than enough! We're hoping to turn Nebraska into a National example over this issue and we are calling in all the help we can find.
If you are willing to help out please PM me and I'll get you started